General Information

How to Use OnLine Help

Within your staffing service, there are a variety of titles: Receptionist, Recruiter, Interviewer, Coordinator, Salesperson, Branch Manager, and more. Each title has different privileges and responsibilities. Each is able to access certain information and is restricted from other information. Some titles have access to information stored at other branches while other titles are restricted to their own branch.

Security determines who gets access to what information and from where it comes. It allows you to restrict access to certain screens and actions for some reps while allowing others the right to them. It allows you to determine which branches have access to other branches and which branches do not. In essence, it allows you to guarantee that privileged information is available to those who need it without making it available to everyone.

Security can be set on branch access and system access. In other words, you can determine the branches to which a rep has access. You can also determine the screens and actions in StaffSuite that can be viewed and/or edited by the rep. You might decide that a rep can access all Employee and Company information but is restricted from certain actions in the Assignment category...or you might specify that a rep has access to one branch and not to another. StaffSuite gives you the power to do both actions...and more.

In terms of branch access, security is a combination of two factors. First, there is the access available to the branch to which a rep is assigned. Each branch has access to certain other branches. By default, a rep has access to every other branch accessible to their home branch. Second, there is the access assigned to the rep's title. For example, you can set up access to certain branches for your coordinators, salespeople, or others. Using these two factors, StaffSuite determines the branches to which the rep has access. In order for a rep to have access to a branch, their home branch AND their title must BOTH have access to it. If either does not, the rep does not have access to the branch.

You can change the titles given as part of the system with your own titles. You can add titles that are appropriate to your office. You can edit the security access of any current title in the system.

In addition, Assignment Mass Field Update security is assigned to individual staffing service reps in conjunction with title security.

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