Outlook Inspector Toolbar

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The Send to StaffSuite Outlook Inspector Toolbar is made up of two buttons.


The link button is the first step in sending the email to StaffSuite.

With the email opened in Outlook (Outlook's Inspector window), click the Link button. This will cause the Form Fields to activate.

For more information about the Form Fields, click here.

Keep in mind that you still need to click the Send to StaffSuite button on the Inspector toolbar to actually send the email to StaffSuite.

Send to StaffSuite

Once you are satisfied with the information in the Form Fields, click the Send to StaffSuite button to actually send the email to your StaffSuite database.

Once you do so, a "Sent to StaffSuite" message displays at the top of the Form Fields.

The email is associated with all primary and secondary associations. You can access the email just like you would emails sent from StaffSuite.

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