StaffSuite Divisions

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There are currently three main divisions in StaffSuite: System Administration, Operations, and PayBill (payroll/billing). The System Administration division is accessed by a separate User ID and Password than the Operations and PayBill divisions. Security settings determine access to specific functionality within each division.

Bond supplies a general User ID for the System Administration division. For Operations/PayBill, each employee has their own login ID allowing you to audit activities.

System Administration is the quiet foundation supporting Operations and PayBill. This is where you add staffing services, corporations, branches, and representatives. Edit lists are added, changed, and deleted within this division. Security is assigned, edited, and removed using System Administration. It is also here that you enter paybill and deduction codes that interface with the PayBill division.

Operations is where the action takes place. This is where you work with employees, companies, company reps, orders, assignments, and positions. It is here that you add activities, view information, and run queries. Want to search for the perfect employee for an assignment/position? Want to see a workflow of all activities associated with a company? Want to find any of a plethora of information about an employee? Look no further than Operations.

PayBill is the "show me the money" division of StaffSuite. This is where you enter timesheets, calculate and print checks, total and print invoices, accept payments, make adjustments, etc. Want to create a manual check? Want to produce a direct deposit payroll? Want to create balance forward transactions? PayBill is the place. NOTE: PayBill is an optional add-on to StaffSuite and, therefore, will only be accessible if purchased.

To learn more about each StaffSuite division, click on the links below. When you are finished exploring a division, click on the button in the upper right corner to return to this page. When you are done exploring StaffSuite Divisions, click the forward arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue your step-by-step introduction to StaffSuite..

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