System Administration Division

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System Administration is the quiet foundation supporting Operations and PayBill. This is where you add staffing services, corporations, branches, and representatives. Edit lists are added, changed, and deleted within this division. Security is assigned, edited, and removed using System Administration. It is also here that you enter PayBill and deduction codes that interface with the PayBill division.

The following list provides an overview of the functionality of each category. If you want more specific information about the category, click on the link and you will be taken to that category's main topic page.

Staffing Service: A staffing service component is your actual business entity. This is where you enter information about your company. In addition to basic information, such as addresses and phone numbers, you also set various defaults, profit measures, and other information. In addition to your main office, you can add divisional/regional offices through this category.

Corporation: The corporation is an entity for each Federal or Employer ID under which a staffing service reports to the Federal Government. In other words, for every federal or employer ID, you should have one corporation entered into the system. StaffSuite allows you to have many corporations for any one staffing service since you might use various ID numbers to report taxing information. It is also possible to have many staffing service components for one corporation. However, StaffSuite only associates the corporation with the highest level of staffing (and all sublevels simply use the corporation associated with their parent staffing service).

Staffing Service Branch: A branch is a profit center. This is the location that actually handles requests and supplies employees to meet a company's needs. There are usually numerous branches per staffing service and all information concerning the branch is entered through this category.

Security: Security allows you to determine who has access to what in the system. While there are various ways to set up security, it basically comes down to two aspects: Branch Security and Title Security. Branch Security allows you to determine which branches can be accessed by other branches. Title Security determines which actions and views are accessible to a title (coordinator, salesperson, manager, etc.). Using these two security features, you can set up simple or complex, general or specified, security.

Staffing Service Rep: A staffing service rep is anyone that works at a staffing service component or branch. A rep is assigned a title which indicates their security access. In addition, each rep is given a User ID and password so the system knows who is logged in and can track changes and assign activities correctly.

Workers Comp Code: Workers Compensation Codes are determined by the Federal Government and designate the area of employment for a worker. Rates (including burden rates) are set up by code and can be differentiated by corporation.

Service Line: A service line is a business section where employees are placed (medical, legal, technical, etc.). Allowing you to set up a list of service lines gives you the freedom to add new profit measure screens for each sector in which employees are placed.

Edit Lists: Throughout the system, various fields allow you to pick from a list of choices. Some of these lists are system defined, but the majority are user-defined. Edit lists allow you to determine the choices that appear in the system. These can be differentiated by staffing service component and/or branch.

PayBill Codes: In general, these represents additions to a paycheck. Examples include regular pay, overtime pay, bonuses, etc. For each paybill code, you can set an amount, frequency, taxability, etc.

Deduction Codes: In general, these represent anything subtracted from a paycheck (except taxes). Examples include medical insurance, 401K deposits, garnishments, etc. For each deduction code, you can set an amount, frequency, maximum, etc.

Activity Work Flow: A workflow is a story line concerning an employee, company, company rep, order, assignment, and/or position. It stems from the idea that activities rarely exist in a vacuum. Instead, they usually create the need for follow-up activities. An Activity Work Flow allows you to assign a "next" activity whenever an activity occurs. For example, you could set up StaffSuite to automatically schedule an interview once an employee has been presented to a company. Various attributes including the number of days to pass before scheduling the "next" activity can be set up. You can even change the flow based on how the activity was performed, the reason it occurred, and/or its result.

Sales Tax: This category allows you to notify StaffSuite of any sales tax related to your business activities. State, City, School District, and Alternate sales taxes can all be set up. For each type of tax, a rate can be given, as well as an effective start and end date. Other options allows you to set-up sales taxes based on profit and any occupational sales taxes.

Federal Levy: The Federal Levy category allows you to set-up federal levy amounts based on date for single, married filing jointly, head of household, and married filing separately. StaffSuite uses this information when calculating levy deductions.

Report Management: This category allows you to set up, edit, and delete report groups and form controls. A report group is a user-defined collection of reporting specifications for association to a specific PayBill process for a corporation. This provides you a way to schedule customized reports as part of a PayBill process as well as a means to control the scheduling of reports.

Eligibility Programs: This category allows you to set up StaffSuite to automatically track employee hours for the purpose of earning benefits, vacation pay, holiday pay, etc. Programs can be added to everyone, only employees, only contractors, or only selected individuals. You can set up either Accrual or Advanced Incentive types of programs.

Import Configurations: This allows you to add, edit, and delete clear check import templates. StaffSuite allows you to track payroll checks issued from a bank account. This prevents you from reissuing lost checks in fraudulent situations.

Licensing: This allows you to install new licenses changing the available number of active users. In addition, you can view information about your current license such as licensed users, active users, license issue date, license install date, etc.

E-mail: This allows you to set up your assignment and position templates for adding assignment/position information to emails. In addition, you can enter a message that will be attached to all e-mails marked as "solicitations". Finally, you can designate the minimum number of emails required for the system to automatically designate a mailing as a solicitation.

User Defined Fields: User Defined Fields (UDF) are used to track specific additional data beyond what is delivered with the standard implementation of StaffSuite. You have a total of 48 additional fields for each of the StaffSuite categories (Employee, Company, Company Rep, Order, Assignment, Position and Vendor). You can assign these new fields to 2 different windows, each accessible from the Basic window or from the Navigator.

Partner Integration: This allows you to create CareerBuilder Accounts and assign them to branches so that jobs can be posted directly to CareerBuilder. You can create new accounts, edit existing accounts and delete unneeded accounts.

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