Operations Division

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Operations is where the action takes place. This is where you work with employees, companies, company reps, orders, assignments, positions, and vendors. It is here that you add activities, view information, send E-mails, manage documents, and run queries. Want to search for the perfect employee for an assignment/position? Want to see a workflow of all activities associated with a company? Want to find any of a plethora of information about an employee? Look no further than Operations.

The following list provides an overview of the functionality of each category listed on the Navigator pane. If you want more specific information about the category, click on the link and you will be taken to that category's main topic page.

Employee: An Employee is anyone who can be sent on an assignment or position. This category allows you to add, edit, view, and delete information concerning your employees. You can add, search, and delete employees. You can find companies and assignments/positions that match the employee's profile. You can view basic, profile, preference, payroll, and various others information. You can list assignments, activities, and deductions associated with the employee. In addition, you can record activities such as reference checks, counsels, terminations, rehires, etc.

Company: A company is any client that places orders requesting employees. Due to the structure of companies in the workplace, StaffSuite allows you to assign various levels to different company components (parent, division, location, department). You can add, edit, and delete companies. You can search companies based on various criteria. You can record the results of sales calls made to companies. Various relationships can be tracked by company allowing you to see at a glance their status in terms of sales, service, and credit. You can enter the type of employee the company prefers.

Order: Orders are requests for employees made by companies. You can enter an order from scratch or duplicate a similar existing order. If the company places the same type of order time and again, you can create a standard order that can be duplicated at any time. To make things easier, much of the information entered into the Company category defaults into the order (but can be changed, if needed). You can search orders by branch, type, number, and more. You can add, edit, and delete orders.

Assignment/Position: Assignments refer to the temporary side of the staffing business. Position refers to the direct-hire or full-time side of the staffing business. Assignment/Position exists in a many-to-one relationship with order. There may be many assignments or positions to one order (for example, a company may place an order for 10 office workers). The information on an assignment/position defaults from the order, but can be edited individually so that the pay rate for one assignment can be different from the pay rate on another one, even though they are both associated with the same order. You can create and track activities associated with the assignment/position. You can tweak payment and billing rates to achieve the highest margin. You can add, edit, duplicate, and delete assignments/positions. You can fill, refill, close, and extend assignments. You can place, replace, and publish positions. And the best part is that StaffSuite keeps track of all activities forming a historical workflow for each assignment/position.

Vendor: Your staffing service may contract with an outside vendor to provide an employee to work on an assignment at a customer facility. In this type of relationship, the vendor pays the employee. You bill the customer and pay the vendor. In some cases, the customer may be aware that the person has been placed by an outside vendor. In other cases, the customer may not be aware of the transaction. The Vendor category allows you to add/view/edit/delete vendors. In general, a vendor record appears similar to a company record. However, it reacts similarly to a contractor record. In fact, with regards to calculations of burden, margin, and profit (as well as the production of 1099's), the vendor is considered a Contractor. You can enter two levels of vendor (parent and division). You can search vendor information and make vendors active or inactive. You can list  assignments, timesheets, activities, and reps associated with the vendor.

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