Timesheet Grid

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The Timesheet Grid displays any search results involving timesheets, either from the Timesheet Look Up, or from a search. Selecting an entry on the grid brings that record into currency.

Click here for more information on working in grids.

NOTE: While the grid can display more records, it is optimized to display 1000 rows.

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Indicates whether this timesheet is associated with a secondary source vendor. An "X" in the column indicates that it is associated with a vendor. An empty cell indicates that it is not associated with a vendor.



Batch Name/Ref #

Unique alpha-numeric identifier of the batch/timesheet. The Batch ID refers to the batch. The Reference number refers to the timesheet.




The Social Security number of the employee associated with this timesheet.

NOTE: Permission to view social security numbers is set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen. A staffing service rep that does not have permission to view social security numbers will see the social security numbers masked with only the last four digits revealed.



Employee Id

The identification (ID) number of the employee associated with this timesheet.



Employee Name

The name of the employee associated with this timesheet.



Assignment Number

The assignment number associated with this timesheet.



W/P Ending Date

The last day of the pay period for which the timesheet is being created.



Sales Posting Date

The actual sales posting date of each transaction.



Company Using

The company component that is using the employee on the assignment.



Pay/Cost Hours

The sum of the number of hours/units listed in the Total column of all Pay Type rows on the timesheet.



Pay/Cost Amount

The sum of the amounts calculated by multiplying the numbers listed in the Total and Rate columns for all Pay Type rows on the timesheet.



Payroll Status

Displays the current payroll status of the timesheet (Unpaid, Updated, Deselected, etc.).



Payroll Check #

The check number associated with this timesheet, if any.



Pay Method

The method of payment (check or direct deposit), if any.



Bill Hours

The sum of the number of hours/units listed in the Total column of all Bill Type rows on the timesheet.



Bill Amount

The sum of the amounts calculated by multiplying the numbers listed in the Total and Rate columns for all Bill Type rows on the timesheet.



Billing Status

Displays the current billing status of the timesheet (Updated, Unbilled, Unbilled Sales Adjustment, Non Billable, etc.).



Invoice #

The invoice number associated with this timesheet, if any.



Posting Status

Displays the current posting status of the timesheet (Entered, Proofed, Posted)



Posting Process Id

The process Id assigned when posting this timesheet.



Payroll Process Id

The process id assigned when creating checks/advices from this timesheet.



Billing Process Id

The process id assigned when creating invoices from this timesheet.



Import Process Id

The process id assigned when importing this timesheet.



Sales Adjustment Indicator

True  indicates that the timesheet was an invoice adjustment. False indicates that there was no invoice adjustment associated with the timesheet.



Eligibility Payment Indicator

True indicates that an Eligibility Award was associated with the timesheet. False  indicates there was no eligibility award associated with the timesheet.



Order Branch

Indicates the order branch associated with the timesheet.



Company Owning

Indicates the company component for which the order was created.



Vendor Name

If the timesheet is associated with a vendor, the vendor name is in this column.



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