Activity Workflow Builder

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Activity Workflow Builder allows you to add or edit activity workflows.

NOTE: When editing a workflow, the title bar says "Edit Activity Workflow Builder".

The Activity Workflow Builder is accessed by clicking the New or Edit button beneath the Activity Workflow Grid.

For more details about Activity Workflow, click here.

Adding/Editing a Workflow

  1. In the Activity Name navigator tree, select the activity for which you want to create a workflow. This is the activity that "kicks off" the workflow. Select it by first double-clicking on the category wherein the activity resides and then clicking on the actual activity. NOTE: If you are adding a workflow, this is a REQUIRED field. If you are editing a workflow, this field is inaccessible.

  2. Based on the Activity selected, the How Performed, Explanation, and Result fields may or may not become active (based on whether each field is applicable to the activity). This allows you to set up different workflows based on the values in these fields. For example, you could program StaffSuite to suggest another sales call if you had to leave a message, but something totally different if you were able to reach the person. Use to select a value from the drop lists. The values in the drop lists filter based on the activity selected. Whether you are adding or editing a workflow, each active field is REQUIRED.

  3. The Red Flag field is reserved for future development. It is not currently used by the StaffSuite software.

  4. In the Next Activity Name field, enter the activity you would like StaffSuite to suggest as the next activity to perform IF the "kick off" activity (the activity selected in the Activity Name navigator) is performed and all How Performed, Explanation, and/or Result values match those entered. Use to select from a list of activities. This is a REQUIRED field.

  5. StaffSuite gives you the option of setting the next activity to occur in a specific number of days or based on a date elsewhere in the system:

  6. If you want the next activity to occur a specific number of days after the previous activity, click the radio button for the Days Before Next Activity field. This activates the text box. Enter the number of days after the first activity that the next activity is to appear on a task list.

  7. If you want the next activity to occur based on a date elsewhere in the system (for example, closing an assignment based on the end date of the assignment), click the radio button for the Next Activity Date Field field. This activates the drop-down box. Use to select the date field you want to use to activate the activity.

  8. If you do not want the system to default a date, click the radio button next to the None field.

  1. When you are finished entering the information for the workflow, click OK or Apply. Apply allows you to enter another workflow without closing the window and is only available when adding a workflow.

NOTE: Keep in mind that the workflow builder merely suggests a next activity when an activity is performed. The user may change the next activity field on the actual Activity window. They can also change the date suggested. However, if used correctly, each morning, users will be notified of all activities that need to be performed that day (based on the workflow). No longer do you have to remind yourself to make a verify arrival call on the day an assignment begins. StaffSuite will automatically remind you to make the call.

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