Add/Edit Form Controls

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Add/Edit Form Controls allows you to create/edit a user-defined collection of form specifications which control how transactions are sorted prior to assignment to a form and which control when a new form is generated. It also provides a way to track the last form number allocated so that the next form number can be provided by the system.

This window is accessed by clicking on the New Report or Edit Report window under Report Management in System Administration. The Forms Control button on either of these windows is active only if the Report Type is Invoice Form.

Adding/Editing Form Controls

  1. The Sort Options list shows all the fields by which you can sort your form. The two capitalized letters in front of each field name represent the StaffSuite category that the field comes from (AS=Assignment, OR=Order, TS=Timesheet). The Form Controls grid lists the sort options you selected to apply to this form in descending order. In other words, the system sorts information on the form first by the sort option at the top of the grid, then by the option beneath it, etc. Note: If you are creating form controls for assignment or position billing invoices, you must always include OR AR Company ID as one of your sort options.

  2. To apply a sort option to the form control, select the sort option (by clicking on it in the Sort Options list) and click .

  3. To remove a form control, select the option (by clicking on it in the Form Controls grid) and click .

  4. To move a sort option higher in the sorting hierarchy, select it (by clicking on it in the Form Controls grid) and click the Up button. To move a sort option lower in the sorting hierarchy, select it (by clicking on it in the Form Controls grid) and click the Down button.

  5. To "Break" the forms by a sort option, place a check in the New Form checkbox for the sort option. A check indicates that a new form is generated with each new value. For example, if you select new form with OR AR Company ID, a new form will be created with each different AR Company ID.

  1. In the Next Form # field, enter the next invoice number you want StaffSuite to use. If the system has already used the number in the report group's corporation, you will receive a warning after you try to save the report group record.

  2. In the Group Message field, type a message that you want the system to include on the selected form in this report group.

  3. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click OK to save the new (or edited) Form Controls and close the window. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving the new (or edited) Form Controls.

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