Document Details

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Document Details provides information about a document in the Document Management System (DMS). This window can be accessed in numerous ways (after adding a document, after selecting to view details on a document, etc.). Add Employee by Parse is also accessible by navigating to a resume document and clicking the enabled Parse button. When the system parses the resume, the Staging Area opens displaying the results of the parse in the right pane of the window, and the resume text in the left pane with the words highlighted that have been pulled out in the search. This is where you can analyze the hits the system found based on your edit lists and the system's synonym list and see the words in the context of the resume. Click here for more information on parsing resumes.

Using the Document Details Window

The Document Details window is made up of 4 areas: File Information, Document Information, Associations, and Options.

File Information

The File Information area houses the following information:

Options include:

Document Information

The Document Information area houses the following information:

NOTE: An Active Resume is a special document that has the word "resume" in the Category name and is specified as an Active Document in this screen. Users looking at this employee's Employee Basic screen will see an Active Resume button that can be clicked (by users with "View" Document Security) to open the most recent resume document associated with this employee.


This section displays the business entities with which this document is associated. If your search originated from the Document Look-up in the Home Ribbon, closing the Documents Detail window will update associations in currency. The only exception is when the document is associated with a Position or Assignment. In this case, all associations are updated EXCEPT Employee. If your search originated from the Documents option on a Category's Navigator (Employee, Company, etc.), then closing the Document Details window does not update currency. The following fields/options are available:


The following options (buttons) are available: