Edit File Retrieval Security

System Administration > Security > Actions > Edit FILE RETRIEVAL Security

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StaffSuite offers the option to view/download various Direct Deposit, General Ledger, and Government Reporting files that are stored in server directories, using the File Retrieval option. Since these files contain confidential information, there is extra security defining who is authorized to view/download these files.

Security to view/download these files has two layers; the first layer is assigned by SSR role in the Government Reporting area of Title Security. The second layer is assigned in the File Retrieval Security window to establish specific permissions by SSR. After the role has been assigned File Retrieval Security, they can be assigned access to view/download either or all of Direct Deposit, General Ledger, and Government Reporting files.

To set/edit/view File Retrieval Security, click on Edit File Retrieval Security under the Security tab on the Navigator. The Staffing Service Rep Look Up window displays.

The Staffing Service Rep Look Up window allows the User to select a specific SSR to be granted security. To assign security to all SSRs, click OK without entering any information into the fields.

The File Retrieval Security window is displayed.

Editing File Retrieval Security

  1. Define the Purge After Days value in the Direct Deposit, General Ledger, and Government Reporting fields. The value entered defines the number of days (from the file creation date) after which the respective files will be purged. The minimum value that can be entered is '1' and the maximum being '365'.

  2. For each SSR listed, clicking the Full checkbox will give the rep the rights to retrieve Direct Deposit, General Ledger, and Government Reporting files. Checking this column causes all the other columns on that row to be checked automatically. Unchecking this column causes all the other columns on that row to be unchecked automatically.

  3. To give the rep permission for an individual directory, select or deselect the appropriate checkbox. For example, some reps may only have the rights to retrieve Direct Deposit files and hence only the Direct Deposit checkbox will be selected.

  4. You can make quick, wide-ranging changes by using the buttons below the grid. To check all the boxes in the grid, click Select All. To uncheck all boxes in the grid, click Clear All. Clicking on the individual box in the grid toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  1. When you have made the proper adjustments to File Retrieval Security, click OK to save your changes and close the window. Click Apply to save your changes, but leave the window open so you can make additional adjustments. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving your changes.


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