Title Security Screen

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Valid Titles

Displays all titles currently in your database. The following columns are used in the grid:

  • Active: Indicates whether or not the title can be assigned to a rep. A check indicates that the title is currently active. You can activate/deactivate the title by clicking in the Active column checkbox for the title. Clicking on the checkbox toggles the title form active to inactive.

  • Type: An "S" indicates that the title is system-defined (came with the software). A "U" indicates that the title is user-defined (created by someone at the staffing service).

  • Title: The name of the title.

There are three buttons available to allow you to add, edit, and remove titles/templates:





These fields display the currently selected title and template. As you click on different titles in the Valid Titles area, these fields will change to reflect the selection you have made.

These fields are for informational purposes only and may not be edited. If you want to edit a title name or add a template, use the New and Edit buttons beneath the Valid Titles grid.



Screen Functions

This is where you define exactly what actions and views are accessible to the selected title.

The tree-structure has the category (A/R Adjustments, Assignment, Employee, etc.) at the top level. The second level is Actions and Viewer in general. The bottom level are the various actions and views associated with the category.

Access trickles down to the levels below it. For example, if you select to give full access to Assignment, the system will automatically assign full access to all levels below Assignment (all actions and views).

In some ways, access also trickles upward. For example, if the checkbox currently shows full access to Assignment and you remove viewer access for Assignment, the checkbox for Assignment will change to designate that the user only has partial access to Assignment (since they no longer have viewer access).

The type of checkmark (or absence of one) identifies the security access:

  • Normal: A normal checkmark indicates that the title has full access to the category or functionality. In the example above, the user has full access to AR Adjustment including all Actions and all Views.

  • Shaded: A shaded checkmark indicates that the title has access to some of the functions under the checked heading, but not all. In the example above, the user has partial access to Assignment and Assignment Actions (since they only have access to  access to Add a Document under Actions.

  • Blank: A blank box indicates the title has no access to this area. In the example above, the title has no access to Add Assignment.

Clicking on a checkbox toggles it between normal and blank.

Clicking on the plus (+) symbol displays the subcomponents of a category or area. Clicking on the minus (-) symbol hides the subcomponents.




Click OK to close the Title Security window and save all changes made.

Click Cancel to close the Title Security window without saving all changes made.



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