ACA Details

Operations > Employee > Information > Basic Information

How to Use OnLine Help

ACA Details is accessed by clicking the ACA Details button on the Employee Basic window. This displays the ACA Details Grid and allows you to view information about the Employee's hours, eligibility and coverage for the Affordable Care Act.

For more information about the types of ACA Employees, click here.

NOTE: The information in the grid and on the Employee ACA Details window is updated when you run the ACA Update process in PayBill.

The grid contains the following information. Different corporations appear on different rows. Note: The (T) or (C) indicate whether the information comes from the Current (C) or Trending (T) record. Current records represent the Employee's current ACA status. Trending records help predict who will need to be offered insurance in the future once the measurement period is over. It also helps determine who needs to be offered insurance and who has not yet returned their acceptance or decline forms during the administration period..

There are two workflow options that can be selected from the ACA Details grid.

Employee ACA Details

The Employee ACA Details window is accessed by selecting a record on the ACA Details grid and clicking the View button.

Note: All of the fields on this window are for information only and cannot be edited.

The window has the following fields:

To close the window, click Cancel.


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