Employee Basic Screen

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Branch Servicing

Social Security #

Employee ID #



Each of these fields is read-only and displayed here for informational purposes only.

Branch Servicing is the staffing service branch that services this employee. This is assigned during the Add Wizard for Employee, but can be changed through the Change Branch Servicing activity by clicking . NOTE: If the record is currently linked with TempBuddy, the Branch cannot be changed.

Social Security # is the employee's social security number. This is assigned during the Add Wizard for Employee, but can be added later through the Add Social Security Number activity, or changed through the Change Social Security Number activity (both are accessed by clicking . This field can also be used for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead of a Social Security number. You can delete a Social Security Number for an employee who has no payroll history and is not currently in one of the following statuses: Working, Probably Available, Future Fill. To do so, click the red X next to the Social Security # field.

NOTE: The Internal Revenue Service requires manual key entry of the ITIN on the W2. Printed W2s will print with all information except the ITIN. Online W2s will not print (they will be blank in WorldLink).

NOTE: This field can also be blank or masked. Social security numbers are optional. Not all Staffing Service Reps can view employee social security numbers. A social security number may be masked with only the last four digits revealed. A Staffing Service Rep may even have title security to add or change a social security number for an employee, but then may not have permission to view social security numbers set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen.

Employee ID # is a unique number assigned automatically by the system when an employee is added. This number may not be changed. If the Employee is currently linked to TempBuddy, appears to the right of the field. Clicking on the icon takes you directly to the Employee's record in TempBuddy.

The following is a list of Employee/Candidate fields that are synced between StaffSuite and TempBuddy:

  • Username (initial post to TempBuddy only)

  • Email

  • Name

  • Phone (Cell if available; otherwise, home)

  • Address (Order of Preference: Home, Mailing, Other)

  • Birthdate (if day and year available)

  • Social Security Number (SSN)

  • Facebook

  • LinkedIn

  • Twitter

  • Pay Rate





The Name field displays the first, nickname, middle initial, and last name of the employee. All of this is entered during the Add Wizard for Employee, but can be changed by clicking the Name button. This opens a small window allowing you to make changes to the employee's name.

The Nickname field displays the name that the employee goes by. You can edit the nickname by clicking on the Name button and changing the Nickname field.




Displays the employee's address.

Since an employee may have several address (home, mailing, other, payroll tax, W2), you can select the type of address to display by clicking in the address type field.

To edit the address, click the Address... button. This displays a small window allowing you to select the address type you want to edit and displaying the current information for editing purposes.

If you want a quick view of all existing addresses for this employee, click . This displays a small read-only table listing each address associated with the employee. You can close the table by clicking anywhere outside of the table.




Displays the phone number(s) of the employee.

Since an employee can have many different types of numbers stored (beeper, cellular, fax, home, other, work), you can select the type of number to display (and edit) by clicking . Once you have selected the type, you can edit the number directly in the phone field.

If you want a quick view of all existing phone numbers for this employee, click . This displays a small read-only table listing each phone number associated with the employee. The Main button allows you to select which phone number will display by default when you open the Employee Basic window. Simply select the phone number type on the small table and then click Main. You can close the table by clicking anywhere outside of the table.




Allow E-mail Solicitations

The E-Mail field displays the employee's E-mail address. Since an employee may have multiple email accounts, you can select the email account using . Once you select the type, you can edit the address directly in the field.

If you want a quick view of all existing email addresses for this employee, click . This displays a small read-only table listing each email address associated with the employee. The Main button allows you to select which email address will display by default when you open the Employee Basic window. Simply select the email address on the small table and click Main. You can close the table by clicking anywhere outside of the table.

If you want to quickly send an email to the employee, click . This opens your default email program with the employee's Main email address in the "To" field.

Allow E-mail Solicitations allows you to tell the system what to do if an email (sent through StaffSuite's email functionality) is either marked as a solicitation or exceeds the SPAM (bulk) threshold. If the box is checked, the employee will still receive the email. If the box is unchecked, the employee will not receive any email marked as a solicitation or exceeding the SPAM threshold. Clicking on the box toggles it between checked and unchecked.






These fields allow you to enter URLs to the Employee's social networking (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) pages. Once a URL has been entered into one of the fields, the associated social networking logo will become active. Clicking the logo takes you to the URL you entered.



Online W-2

WorldLink/TimeKeeper User ID

WorldLink/TimeKeeper Password

The Online W-2 checkbox indicates whether the employee has elected to receive his/her W-2 online via WorldLink. A check indicates that the employee will receive his/her W-2 online. An empty checkbox indicates that the user will receive a printed W-2. The field is read-only and can only be changed by the Employee (via WorldLink) or a staffing service rep with proper permission (via the Maintain WorldLink/TimeKeeper Login window).

NOTE: The Internal Revenue Service requires manual key entry of the ITIN on the W2. Therefore, online W2s using ITIN will not print (they will be blank in WorldLink).

The bottom two fields display the User ID and Password that the employee will use to log into your WorldLink web site and /or into the TimeKeeper module. The same User ID and Password are used for both modules. NOTE: As of the 2013 Q2 release, a new permission was added to enable you to view the password. If you do not have this permission, the password will display in a masked format (e.g. ******).

If you want to change the login information (note: the employee can change their login information through WorldLink), use the Maintain WorldLink/TimeKeeper Login functionality by clicking .







This area shows general information about the employee. You can click on the Temporary tab and the Direct-Hire tab to see information directly related to temp assignments and perm positions. You can click on the Other tab for information related to Onboarding. You can click on the Screening tab to get information returned from TalentWise after you have made a screening request.

These fields cannot be edited directly from the Employee Basic window, but some can be manually changed from other windows. These will be mentioned below.

The rows in the tables include:

  • Status/Onboarding Status: This is generally system defined, but certain statuses can be changed by using the Availability Call functionality. Status can also change when you fill and close assignments/positions, as well as through other activities. Keep in mind that temp and direct-hire statuses are kept separate by the system. Therefore, it is very possible for a temp status to be different than a direct-hire status. For more information about employee statuses, click here. Onboarding Status can be None (no request has been sent), Pending (request has been sent but no results have been returned), Returned (results have been received), Completed (results have been used to update data on the employee record) or Inactive. Inactive is a manually generated status (via the Onboarding Grid). It is used when a request has been sent to an employee, but no results have been returned for a significant period of time. This allows you to remove it from Pending lists. NOTE: If the Onboarding Status is Completed, additional files from Efficient Forms will be sent to the Archive directory and will not impact the Onboarding Status.

  • Main Occupation: Displays the employee's preferred occupation. This can be changed by accessing Employee Profiles and changing the main occupation. NOTE: Main Occupation is not delineated along employment type lines. Therefore, the main occupation will be the same for temporary and direct-hire.

  • Current Salary: Only visible on the Direct-Hire tab, this displays the employee's salary at their current job, if they have one. You can edit this field by accessing Employee Profiles, choosing Jobs/References, and editing the Ending Salary on the employee's current job.

  • Preferred Wages/Salary: Displays the employee's wage preferences for a temporary assignment and salary preferences for a direct-hire position. The first number is the minimum the employee will accept and the second number is the wage/salary the employee would prefer to earn. It also shows whether the wage/salary listed is based on an hourly, weekly, etc., period. You can edit this information using the Employee Preferences functionality.

  • Preferred Work Hours: Displays the hours that have been marked as Preferred on the employee's schedule. If the hours are not uniform (e.g., the employee has indicated they prefer to work 8-5 on Mondays, 9-5 on Tuesdays, 9-7 on Wednesdays, etc.), then this field will show "varied". You can edit this information using the Employee Preferences functionality.

  • Rating: Displays the user-defined temp and direct-hire rating for the employee. You can edit this information on the Relationship Manager.

  • Interviewer: Displays the name of the staffing service rep that interviewed this employee concerning temp and/or direct-hire employment. You can edit this information on the Relationship Manager.

  • Last Action Information: These fields are updated automatically by the system and give you an indication of the last action taken on the employee's record, as well as the date and the number of days ago it took place.

  • Request Date: Only visible on the Other tab, this displays the date that the onboarding request for this employee was made.

  • Completed Date: Only visible on the Other tab, this displays the date that the data returned from Efficient Forms was used to update the Employee record.

  • Request Status: Only visible on the Screening tab, the statuses are controlled by TalentWise and subject to change. Please contact TalentWise for the latest status listing.

  • Request Date: Only visible on the Screening tab, this is the date that the request was submitted to TalentWise.

  • Update Date: Only visible on the Screening tab, this is the date that the results of the request were returned from TalentWise.

  • Result: Only visible on the Screening tab, the results are determined by Talentwise and subject to change. Please contact TalentWise for the latest results listings.

  • Requested By: Only visible on the Screening tab, this is the Staffing Service Rep that submitted the screening request.



Hot Candidate

Secondary Source

Vendor Name

The Hot Candidate checkbox indicates that this employee has been designated as a very desirable or placeable candidate that should receive special consideration. Your staffing service will determine your definition and treatment of hot candidates. You can search by this field in Quick Employee Look Up.

The Secondary Source checkbox indicates whether this is a secondary source employee (e.g., an employee who works for a vendor and can only be placed on secondary source assignments). A checked box means the employee is associated with a vendor. An empty box means the employee is not associated with a vendor.

The Vendor Name field indicates the vendor with which the employee is associated (if any).

To change the secondary source status of an employee, use the Update Vendor Status activity by clicking .



Situational Status

This field allows you to indicate that the employee has a situation that may affect their availability for assignments and positions. For example, a status of Teacher would indicate that the employee is mainly available during the summer.

Use to select a Situational Status, if necessary. The options in the list are user-defined, and can be changed by using StaffSuite's Edit List functionality.






Relationship Manager

Additional Info.1

Additional Info.2

Active Resume

Request EF Onboarding

ACA Details

Request/Update Screening

Send to TempBuddy

These buttons allow you to access and edit various Employee information.

Click Preferences to view/edit information about an employee's preferred wages, hours worked, work environment, location, etc.

Click Profiles to view/edit information about an employee's skills, job history, education history, etc.

Click Forms/Procedures to view/edit the forms and procedures that the employee has and has not completed.

Click Relationship Manager to view/edit acquisition, interviewee, rating, etc., information.

Click Additional Info.1 to view/edit any Employee UDFs assigned to the Additional Info.1 screen.

Click Additional Info.2 to view/edit any Employee UDFs assigned to the Additional Info.2 screen.

Active Resume

If the Active Resume button appears, it means that this employee has at least one active resume associated with their record. If your user id has Document Management security to "View" this type of document, the button will be enabled and you can click it to open the employee's most resent resume.  

Click here for more information on Document Security.

Click the Active Resume button to display the resume in a read-only format in its associated application. For example, if the document is associated with Microsoft Word (note: associations are set up in Microsoft Windows), the resume will open in a Microsoft Word window. If there is more than one resume associated with this employee, the most recent one will open.

If the Active Resume button does not appear, it means the employee does not have a resume that has not been flagged as "Active" in the Document Details screen. If the Active Resume button appears, but is grayed out, your user does not have Document Security set up in System Administration.

Request EF Onboarding

Clicking this button sends an onboarding request to the employee using the employee's e-mail address. After the employee completes the interview form on the Efficient Forms website, you can then update the employee's record (Payroll/Tax record, direct deposit information, emergency contact and employee contact) by using the Update Onboarding Screen.

In order to use this button, the following must be true:

  • The Employee Status must not be "Terminated, Ineligible for Rehire".

  • Onboarding Status must be "None" or "Inactive".

  • The Employee must have an email address and a social security number.

NOTE: You can send requests to multiple employees using the Employee Grid. Simply select multiple records in the grid, right-click and select Request Onboarding.

Creating a request also automatically creates a "Request Onboarding" activity for the employee. It also changes the Onboarding status to "Pending".

Click ACA Details to view the information about the Employee's hours, eligibility and coverage for the Affordable Care Act.

Request/Update Screening

Clicking this button submits a screening request to TalentWise via a browser and populates the basic information to TalentWise via the StaffSuite to TalentWise integration workflow.

NOTE: The employee must have an email address to request a TalentWise screening.

Once a screening request has been sent, the button will change to Update Screening. After you receive an email from TalentWise informing you that the Screening is complete, you can update the Employee's Screening tab by using the Update Screening button.

Once the Screening tab has been updated and the status is Complete, the Update Screening button changes back to Request Screening.

You can also Request and Update Screening from the Employee Grid. However, you can only select Request or Update on one employee at a time. If you select Request Screening on an Employee with a Pending screening status, the system will prompt you to make sure you want to send another request.

The TalentWise (TW) button is only active if:

  • User has Request Screening and View Screening security permission AND...

  • A screening request has been initiated and the Request Status is COMPLETE or PENDING AND...

  • The Update Screen button has been clicked.

Clicking the TW button causes your browser window to open and the Employee's record to display on TalentWise's website. This allows you to access all packages.

Send to TempBuddy

NOTE: This button is not visible if the Branch is not set up for TempBuddy.

Exports the record to the TempBuddy application.

A message indicates whether or not the export was successful. If not successful, the message displays one of the required fields missing on the record. If successful, the Send to TempBuddy disappears and a new icon () appears to the right of the Employee ID # field.

Once an Employee has been sent to TempBuddy, the system will keep the information synced and there is no need for you to push/pull information again.

Note:  When an Employee is sent to TempBuddy initially, the Employee will receive an email to setup their account in TempBuddy and download the app.

IMPORTANT: While it is possible to send Employees from TempBuddy to StaffSuite, Bond highly recommends only sending Employees from StaffSuite to TempBuddy. This ensures that all required information for putting the Employee on an assignment and creating timesheets from that assignment have been completed.

New Employees and updated Employee information is sent immediately from StaffSuite to TempBuddy. New Employees and updated Employee information entered via TempBuddy is sent to StaffSuite every 10 minutes. However, you can use PayBill > Payroll > Sync TempBuddy to manually synchronize StaffSuite and TempBuddy.



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