New/Edit Clear Check Import Template

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Add/Edit Clear Check Import Template allows you to create/edit an import template for cleared checks. This template is then used by the PayBill division to import a cleared check file.

This window is accessed by clicking New or Edit on the Clear Check Import Template Listing window.

For more information on import configurations, click here.

Adding/Editing Clear Check Import Templates

  1. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template. This is how you will identify the template throughout the other divisions of StaffSuite. The name must be unique. This is a REQUIRED field.

  2. In the File Format field, use to select the file's format. Currently, the only format supported is ASCII.

  3. In the Multiple Record Types field, use to select whether or not the import file template is composed of multiple record types. For example, a file may have a detail record and a summary record. Select Yes if multiple record types are used. Select No if they are not used.

  4. If you select Yes in the Multiple Record Types field, the Detail Record Identifier field activates (it stays inactive if you select No in the Multiple Record Types field). If the field is active, enter the letter or other code that identifies the detail record. This field is REQUIRED if the Multiple Record Types field is Yes.

  5. In the Record Length field, enter the record length (or total number of spaces) in one record in the file. This field is REQUIRED if you select None for the Record Delimiter.

  6. In the Record Delimiter field, use to select the character that separates individual records in the file. Currently, the options are CR/LF and None.

  7. In the Field Format field, use to indicate the field format used in the template. Options are Fixed (each data file is consistently the same length throughout the file) and Delimited (length of the file varies and a particular character is used to indicate where one field ends and another begins). Depending on your selection, either the fields in the Fixed Layout section or the Delimited Layout section become active.

  8. If you selected Delimited in the Field Format field, the Delimit Character field becomes active (it is inactive if you selected Fixed instead). Use to indicate the character used by the file to separate fields. Options are Comma, Other, Semicolon, Space, and Tab. If you select Other, you must enter the character used by the file in the field directly below the Delimit Character field. This field is REQUIRED if Field Format is Delimited.

  9. In the Blank Character field, use to select how blanks (or empty spaces) appear in the import file. Options are Blank and Null. This field is REQUIRED.

  10. In the Date Format field, use to select the format that will be used for date files in the import file. MM represents month. DD represents day. YY represents a two digit year (04). YYYY represents a four digit year (2004). This field is REQUIRED.

  11. If you selected Fixed in the Field Format field, the Fixed Layout fields are active. If you selected Yes in the Multiple Record Types field, the Record Identifier field is active. Enter the beginning and ending positions reserved for the record identifying data, check number, check date, and cleared amount. These fields are REQUIRED if your Field Format is Fixed.

  12. If you select Delimited in the Field Format field, the Delimited Layout fields are active. Enter the sequence for the record identifying data, check number, cleared date, and cleared amount in each record. These fields are REQUIRED if your Field Format is Delimited.

  13. The XML section is reserved for future use.

  14. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click OK to save the new (or edited) Template and close the window. Click Apply (only available when adding templates) to save the new template but leave the window open, allowing you to add more templates. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving the new (or edited) Template.

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