Parse Resume Education

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StaffSuite allows you to quickly add an employee record by parsing an electronic resume and extracting the employee's contact information, skills, job history, and education. This tab displays the education detail that the parse process identified in the resume for this employee.

Click here for a list of the education fields that the parsing process will recognize.


StaffSuite recognizes when an education record contains complete information, and if the record is not complete, it will display in red. If you have time when you are parsing the resume, you can validate the information and complete it in this screen. Or, you can also continue with the parse process, keeping only those records in black type that are complete, and discarding any incomplete records.


Click here for a list of the fields that are required for an Education record to be recognized as complete.


The parse process captures multiple sets of education information included on the resume and displays them in the order they appear on the resume. Verify the information displayed in the tab, checking the resume text in the left pane to see it in the context of the original resume and making any necessary changes.

  1. Click the New button to add education information not found in the parse process. Add it as you would in Employee Profiles. Click here for details on adding a education history to an employee record.

  2. Highlight the column and click the Edit button to correct or change any captured information that is incorrect or incomplete.

  3. If the parsing engine identifies education milestones for this employee that are incorrect, or no longer apply to jobs they are currently seeking, you can delete it from their record now by highlighting it in the list and clicking the Remove button.

Tip: Because of the myriad ways that people show their education history on resumes, the parse process may not always recognize the essential information. For example, if the degree is not on a separate line in the resume, the parse process may parse it incorrectly and show it with an (I) in front of it. Any corrections you wish saved in the record must be made by clicking the Edit button. Any incomplete records shown in red, that are not completed through Edit, will not be saved when you save the employee. Parsed information should always be reviewed before saving.

Are You Done Editing This Employee's Record?

This is the last tab. When all the education information you need to capture is correct and complete, you can return to the other tabs, if necessary, or click the OK button to parse the resume and save the employee's record. You can click the OK button to parse the resume from any of the tabs.

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