Employee Look Up

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Looking Up an Employee

There are three options on the Quick Employee Look Up window:

Finding All Employees

On the Quick Employee Look Up window, make sure that:

and click the button.

The Employee Grid displays the results of your search.

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Finding a Specific Employee

  1. In the First field, enter the first name of the employee for which you are looking. If you are not sure of the exact name, you can enter part of the name and the system will find any first name starting with the letters you enter. For example, "wi" would find william, wilma, etc. You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific first name.

  2. In the Last field, enter the last name of the employee for which you are looking. If you are not sure of the exact name, you can enter part of the name and the system will find any last name starting with the letters you enter. For example, "sm" would find smith, smart, etc. You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific last name.

  3. In the Nickname field, enter the nickname of the employee for which you are looking. If you are not sure of the exact name, you can enter part of the name and the system will find any nickname starting with the letters you enter. For example, "ch" would find charlie, chris, etc. You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific nickname.

NOTE: If you enter any search data in the Name fields, the system will find any matches to the Name information, regardless of information entered in the Social Security # and Employee ID fields. For example, if John Doe is in the system with a social security number of 999-99-9999, and you do a search on a last name of Doe and social security number of 888-88-8888, John Does will display as a "hit".

  1. In the Social Security # field, enter the social security number of the employee for which you are looking. You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific social security number. Note: Any name matching the social security number entered will display as a hit, even if the other search criteria does not match. For example, if John Doe is in the system with a social security number of 999-99-9999 and a search is performed for social security number 999-99-9999, but the name entered is John Drake, it would still display in the grid as a "hit".

If you only know the last four digits of the employee's social security number, use the Last 4 digits of SSN field.

NOTE: Permission to view social security numbers is set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen. A staffing service rep that does not have permission to view social security numbers will be able to enter a social security number for the employee look up but, as soon as results are displayed, the numbers will be masked with only the last four digits revealed.

  1. In the Employee ID field, enter the ID number of the employee for which you are looking. If you are not sure of the exact number, you can enter part of the number followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk acts as a wildcard and will find any ID number starting with the numbers you enter. For example, "11*" would find 1123, 11875, etc. You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific ID number. Note: Any name matching the ID number entered will display as a hit, even if the other search criteria does not match. For example, if John Doe is in the system with a social security number of 999-99-9999 and a search is performed for social security number 999-99-9999, but the name entered is John Drake, it would still display in the grid as a "hit".

  2. In the Temp Status and/or Direct Hire Status, enter the Status of the employee for which you are looking. Keep in mind that the fields are linked by the AND logical operator. Therefore, if you enter a status in both fields, the employee you are looking for must have both of those statuses. If you are not interested in filtering the search by status, you can leave the fields blank or select <All>.

  3. In the Branch Servicing field, use to select the staffing service branch servicing the employee for which you are looking. If you are not looking for a specific branch, select <all>.

  4. In the Secondary Source field, use to select whether you want to include secondary source employees in your search. Select Secondary Source Only to look up ONLY secondary source employees. Select Exclude Secondary Source to look up regular employees ONLY. Select <None> to search both regular and secondary source employees.

  5. In the Assessments field, use to select how employees whose assessments through WorldLink ranked "Serious Concern" should be displayed in the employee grid. Only available to staffing services who use the SuccessCheck module, and only visible to staffing service reps who have permissions set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen. Select Exclude Serious Concerns to look up ONLY employees who do not have a serious concern assessment. Select Show all Employees to look up employees regardless of their assessment results. Select Serious Concerns Only to look up ONLY employees whose assessment results show a serious concern.

  6. In the Hot Candidate field, use to select whether you want to include in your search employees flagged as "Hot Candidates" in the Employee Add Wizard or in the Employee Basic screen. Select Hot Candidates Only to look up ONLY employees with the hot candidate flag. Select Exclude Hot Candidates to look up regular employees ONLY. Select <None> to search both regular and hot candidate employees.

  7. When you are satisfied with all your selections above, click the button.

  8. The Employee Grid displays the results of your search.

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Cancelling Without Searching

To close the Quick Employee Look Up window without searching for an Employee, click the button.

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