Add Employee

Employee Ribbon > Actions Group > Add

How to Use OnLine Help

Add Employee allows you to enter basic employee information into StaffSuite using the Add Wizard which walks you through the process of adding all the employee's required information and also presents the opportunity of adding other non-required information that may be important.

 StaffSuite also offers the option of adding an employee record automatically by parsing an electronic resume. An complete employee record can be added to StaffSuite by extracting the employee's contact information, skills, job history and education from their resume; the system allows the staffing service rep who is parsing the resume to validate all the information from the resume in a staging area and make any corrections as they add the record. A quicker alternative allows the staffing service rep to parse the resume to create a record, but only validate the basic contact information and skills; information included in the resume on Job History or Education that the parse engine can recognize without intervention from the staffing service rep is captured, but anything that cannot be automatically validated is not added to the employee's record. Click here for more information on parsing a resume.

For more information on employee, click here.

Using the Employee Add Wizard

The Employee Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add an employee to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Employee Add Wizard Fields

The Employee Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Employee Add Wizard window:

  2. First Name

  3. Middle Initial

  4. Last Name

  5. Suffix

  6. Nickname

  7. Social Security #

  8. E-mail

  1. If you enter information that matches another employee currently in the system, a Possible Duplicates Found window displays showing all matching employees in the grid. You have two choices:

  2. If the employee is a new employee and the match is a coincidence, click the Add as a new employee radio button and the Employee Add Wizard will continue as normal.

  3. If the employee is a duplicate, click the Exit wizard, and edit selected employee to exit the wizard and display the Employee Basic window for the duplicated employee for editing purposes.

  1. On the Additional Information window:

  2. Name

  3. Branch Servicing

  4. Temporary Rating

  5. Direct-Hire Rating

  6. Situational Status

  7. Temporary Status

  8. Direct-Hire Status

  9. Hot Candidate

  10. Secondary Source/Vendor Name

  1. On the Address Selection window:

  2. Address Types

  1. You will be presented with one Enter Address Information window for each Address Type selected on the Address Selection window. On the Enter Address Information window:

  2. Address Type

  3. Apt/Building

  4. Street Address

  5. City

  6. State

  7. Zip Code

  1. On the Phone Selection window:

  2. Phone Types

  1. You will be presented with one Enter Phone Information window for each Phone Type selected on the Phone Selection window. On the Enter Phone Information window:

  2. Phone Type

  3. Phone Number

  4. Select as Main

  1. On the Relationship Manager window:

  2. Acquisition Code

  3. Acquisition Date

  4. Birthday

  5. Temp Interviewer

  6. Direct-Hire Interviewer

  7. Service Rep

  8. Recruited By

  1. On the Advanced Information window:

  2. Ethnic Origin

  3. Birth Year

  4. Veteran Status (Pre-Offer)

  5. Disability Status

  6. Gender

NOTE: If none of this information is entered in the Add Wizard, it can be entered in the Advanced Information screen by those users who have title security. To add, access or change this information in an employee's record, staffing service reps with the correct title security can use the Advanced Information Viewer navigator option.

Click here for more information on the Add Advanced Information option.

  1. On the Emergency Contact window:

  2. Name

  3. Phone

  4. Relationship

  1. On the Verify Employee Information window:

  2. Address

  3. Phone

  4. Branch Servicing

  5. Add Payroll/Tax Information

  6. Add Profile/Preference Information

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