Employee Basic

Operations > Employee > Information > Basic Information

How to Use OnLine Help

Basic Information allows you to garner information about your employees. In addition, you can edit various information on this window.

For more information on employee, click here.

Editing an Employee

  1. Make sure the Employee you want to edit is displayed.

  2. Select the field you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

For more details about the Basic Information window and the editable fields, click here.

Navigation Options

Click Preferences to see a list of what the employee prefers in terms of wages, work environment, work schedule, etc.

Click Profiles to see additional information about the employee including skills, job history, educational history, etc.

Click Forms/Procedures to see a list of completed and not completed forms and procedures.

Click Relationship Manager to see additional information about the employee including birthdate, rating, interviewer, etc.

Click Additional Info.1 or Additional Info.2 to see user-defined fields for employee.

Click Active Resume to view an active resume that is associated with this employee's record in Document Management.

Click Request EF Onboarding to send an onboarding request to the employee.

Click ACA Details to view the information about the Employee's hours, eligibility and coverage for the Affordable Care Act.

Click Request Screening to submit a screening request to TalentWise via a browser.

Click Send to TempBuddy to export the record to the TempBuddy application. A message indicates whether or not the export was successful. If not successful, the message displays one of the required fields missing on the record. If successful, the Send to TempBuddy disappears and a new icon () appears to the right of the Employee ID # field.

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