Report Group Look Up Screen

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Name of the corporation associated with the report group for which you are searching.

Use to select the corporation.

If you are not looking for a specific corporation, select <all>.




The PayBill process to which the report group applies.

Use to select the PayBill process from the list provided. Options are:

  • Timesheet Billing Process

  • Position Billing Process

  • Timesheet Sales Adjustment Process

  • Position Sales Adjustment Process.

If you are not looking for a specific process, select <all>.



Report Group

The name of the report group for which you are searching.

If you are not sure of the exact name, you can enter part of the name followed by an asterisk (*). The asterisk acts as a wildcard and will find any report group name starting with the letters you enter. For example, "EO*" would find EOW Invoice Process, EOM Invoice Process, etc.

You can also leave the field blank if you are not looking for a specific report group name.




The current status of the report group for which you are searching.

Use to select the current status. Options are:

  • Active

  • Inactive

If you are not looking for a specific status, select <all>.



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