Staffing Service Rep Grid

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The Staffing Service Rep Grid is used two different ways in StaffSuite. It is used in System Administration to display search results for staffing service rep records that are maintained by the administrator. It is also used in Operations when an email needs to be sent to a staffing service rep and the user sending the email needs to pull that rep's email address from their record and include it in the email window. Click here for more information on sending email to a staffing service rep recipient.

You can take all the typical actions on the grid (print, export to Excel, zoom, clear filters and save layout). However, you can also perform a special action called Mass Add Permissions, which allows you to update roles, permission and branch access for multiple staffing service reps at the same time. See below for more details.

Selecting an entry on the grid brings that record into currency.

Click here for more information on working in grids.

NOTE: While the grid can display more records, it is optimized to display 1000 rows.


Click here to return to the Staffing Service Rep Look Up main topic page.


Name of the staffing service rep (Last Name, NickName).



Home Branch

Name of the rep's home branch.



Staffing Service

Staffing Service immediately associated with the home branch. This would be the divisional/regional staffing service component.




Designates whether the rep is currently active. Active reps show up on lists that allow you to select a rep (for example, on orders, assignments, etc.).

A check indicates that the rep is active. An empty box indicates the rep is not active.

NOTE: You cannot change the active status on this grid. To change active status, use the Staffing Service Rep Basic window.




Mass Add Permissions

Using the Staffing Service Rep grid, you can change permissions for multiple reps at the same time.

  1. Perform a Quick Staffing Service Rep Look Up to find the reps for which you want to update permission.

  2. In the Staffing Service Rep grid, use CTRL-click and/or Shift-click to select the reps for which you want to update permission.

  3. Right-click on one of the selected records and select Mass Add Permissions.

  4. The Mass Add Permissions window displays. There are 5 distinct areas on the window: Roles, Other Permissions, Branches, Selected Branches and Detail. The Detail grid displays the staffing service you selected in the main grid.

  5. Once you are satisfied with the reps displayed in the Detail area and the Roles, Permissions and Selected Branches in their respective areas, click the Update button. This adds the selected Roles, Permissions and Branches to the reps listed in the Detail area.


You have a staffing service rep set up with the following branch access, roles and permissions:

You perform the following Mass Add on the rep:

The staffing rep now has the following new branch access, roles and permissions.

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