Add Staffing Service Rep

System Administration > Staffing Service Representative > Actions > Add Staffing Service Representative

How to Use OnLine Help

Add Staffing Service Representative allows you to create a new staffing service representative in StaffSuite. In order for your employees to use the Operations and PayBill divisions of StaffSuite, they must be entered as staffing service representatives.

For more information on staffing service representatives, click here.

Using the Staffing Service Rep Add Wizard

The Staffing Service Rep Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add a staffing service representative to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Staffing Service Rep Add Wizard Fields

The Staffing Service Rep Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. On the Staffing Service Rep Add window:

  2. Name Fields (Required)

  3. Stfg Svc Component (Required)

  4. Branch Name

  1. On the Basic Information window:

  2. Name Button

  3. Nickname

  4. Title (Required)

  5. Home Branch (Required)

  6. E-Mail

  7. Hire Date

  8. Active (Required)

  1. On the Address Information window:

  1. Address Type

  2. Suite/Building

  3. Street Address

  4. City

  5. State

  6. Zip Code

  1. On the Phone Information window:

  2. Phone Type

  3. Phone Number

  1. On the Representative Roles window:

  2. Default Employment (Required)

  3. Enable Status Change During Employee Add

  4. Type/Choice Grid

  5. Exchange Integration

  1. On the Staffing Service Rep Security window:

  2. Logon Security

  3. Branch/Title Grid

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