Add Position Billing Screen

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Lookup Information

Use these fields to find the position to associate with this position billing.

There are five ways to do this:

Entering a Position number

In the Position #  field, type the specific position number and press <Tab>.  A position must have a status of Placed or Fall Off to be eligible for a position billing. In addition, the position billing corporation must match the corporation of the current batch.

You can either enter the position number directly or use the Employee Name, Employee ID, or Employee SS # field to find the position number.

Entering a Social Security number

In the Employee SS # field, type the employee's Social Security Number and press <Tab>. During the Add process, entering a social security number in this field causes the system to make two checks:

  • Is the social security number valid?

  • If the number is valid, are there any placed positions for the employee (for the batch corporation) and/or any fall off positions for the previous week?

Based on the information gathered from these two checks, the system will reply in one of the following ways:

  • If the social security number is not valid, the system displays the Employee Look Up wizard

  • If the social security number is valid and there is only one eligible position found, the position number defaults into the Position # field and the position is set to Add mode

  • If the social security number is valid and there are more than one eligible positions found, the system gives you the option of choosing one of the positions.

  • If the social security number is valid but there are no eligible positions found, the following message displays, "Not expecting position billings for selected employee."

NOTE: Permission to view social security numbers is set up in the Staffing Service Rep Basic screen. A staffing service rep that does not have permission to view social security numbers will be able to enter a social security number but, as soon as results are displayed, the numbers will be masked with only the last four digits revealed.

Entering an Employee ID

In the Employee ID field, type the employee's ID number and press <Tab>. During the Add process, entering an ID number in this field causes the system to make two checks:

  • Is the ID number valid?

  • If the number is valid, are there any placed positions for the employee (for the batch corporation) and/or any fall off positions for the previous week?

Based on the information gathered from these two checks, the system will reply in one of the following ways:

  • If the ID number is not valid, the system displays the Employee Look Up wizard.

  • If the ID number is valid and there is only one eligible position found, the position number defaults into the Position # field and the position billing is set to Add mode.

  • If the ID number is valid and there are more than one eligible positions found, the system gives you the option of choosing one of the positions.

  • If the ID number is valid but there are no eligible positions found, the following message displays, "Not expecting position billings for selected employee."

Entering an Employee Name

In the Employee Name field, type the employee's name and press <Tab>. During the Add process, entering a nickname and a last name (e.g., John Doe) or simply a last name causes the system to check if the name is valid. This leads to three possible results:

  • If the name is not valid, the Look Up Employee wizard displays.

  • If the name is valid (and there is only one valid name), the system defaults in the Social Security number and checks to see if there are any placed positions for the employee (for the batch corporation) and/or any fall off positions for the previous week.

  • If the name is valid (and there are multiple valid names), the system presents a list of all employees with that name so that you can choose one. The system then checks to see if there are any placed positions for the employee (for the batch corporation) and/or any fall off positions for the previous week.

Based on the information gathered from these three checks, the system will reply in one of the following ways:

  • If the name is valid and there is only one eligible position found, the position number defaults into the Position # field and the position billing is set to Add mode

  • If the name is valid and there are more than one eligible positions found, the system gives you the option of choosing one of the positions.

  • If the name is valid but there are no eligible positions found, the following message displays, "Not expecting position billings for selected employee."

Performing an Employee Look-Up

Click the button top open the Look Up Employee wizard to find the employee. See the description for "Entering an Employee Name" for more information.



Position Information


Various information that defaults from the order and position. These fields are for information purposes and may not be edited.

The fields in this section include:

  • Company Owning: The company component for which the order was created.

  • Company Using: The name of the company that is using the employee on this position.

  • Attn to Rep: The "Attention to Company Rep" that appears on the invoice.

  • A/R Company: The name of the company component that appears on the invoice.

  • Order #: The order number associated with this position.

  • PO #: The purchase order number associated with this position.

  • Ref #: The reference number associated with this position.



Starting Salary

The starting salary for the position. This information defaults from the Position and may not be edited.




Any special instructions associated with the position. This information defaults from the Position and may not be edited.



PayBill Grid

The grid that shows the billing amounts that will go onto the invoice for this position.

The PayBill Grid automatically defaults paybill codes, full fee, discount, discount percent, and net fee information. This information defaults from the position. You can take the following actions on the PayBill Grid:

  1. To change a paybill code, click on the paybill code name in the grid and use the button to select a different paybill code

  2. To remove a paybill code, click on the paybill code and press your <Delete> key

  3. To add a paybill code, click in the PayBill Code column of the bottom blank row and use the button to select a paybill code (note: only those codes with an Hours Type of Direct Hire Billing will display)

  4. To change (or add) the full fee for a paybill Code, click in the Full Fee column of the row you want to edit and type in the new total (note, changing the Full Fee amount automatically updates the Discount and Net Fee totals)

  5. To change (or add) the discount for a paybill code, click in the Discount column of the row you want to edit and type in a new amount (note, changing the Discount amount automatically updates the Discount % and Net Fee totals)

  6. To change (or add) the discount % for a paybill code, click in the Discount % column of the row you want to edit and type in a new amount (note, changing the discount percent automatically updates the Discount and Net Fee totals)

  7. NOTE: The Net Fee column is not editable (except by adjusting the amounts in the Full Fee, Discount, and/or Discount % columns)



Invoice Message Per PayBill Code

Free form notes field to enter any message(s) which apply to specific paybill codes. Paybill code messages appear on the invoice and may be entered for each paybill code on the timesheet transaction.

To activate this field, simply click on the paybill code you want to associate to the message in the paybill code grid. NOTE: This field cannot be edited once the position billing has been posted.



Indiv Invoice

Use the checkbox to select whether this position billing transaction should appear on its own individual invoice (rather than grouped with other position billings for the same company.

Clicking the box toggles it between selected and deselected. A check in the box indicates that an individual invoice will be created. A unchecked box indicates that an individual invoice will not be created.



Invoice Handling

This displays the invoice handling option selected for this position billing. It defaults from the Company file, but can be changed here.

Click to edit this field. Please note that any change made here affects only this position billing (it does not change the information on the Company file).



Place Date

The date that the Place position activity was performed on the position.

This defaults from the order/position and may not be edited.



Actual Start Date

The actual start date of the position (entered during the Place Position activity)

This defaults from the order/position and may not be edited.



Est. Invoice Date

The estimated invoiced date for the position.

This defaults from the billing information associated with the order/position and may not be edited.



Sales Date

Use to select the sales date for this position billing. The field defaults to today's date but may be edited. The sales affects reporting, GL, and AR amounts.

Click here for information about using StaffSuite's calendar.




Clicking this button displays a grid warning you of any potential problems with a timesheet. When you save a timesheet, the system performs a number of diagnostics to advise you of missing information, inconsistencies, failures, etc.

NOTE: The diagnostic report does not activate until after the timesheet has been saved. Thus, in order to view the Diagnostic report for a timesheet, you click the Create New button and then click the Previous button (to return to the timesheet). Once you have returned to the timesheet, the Diagnostic button will show you the diagnostic grid.




This button is inactive during the Add process. However, if you return and edit the transaction, you can use the Delete button to delete the transaction.



List Billings

Clicking this button lists any unposted position billings for the same position. This helps insure that you don't accidentally enter the same position billing twice.



Invoice Adj

Clicking this button displays a window allowing you to make an adjustment to an existing position billing invoice.

Click here for more information about Invoice Sales Adjustments.



First Button: Moves you to the first position billing record in the batch.



Previous Button: Moves you to the previous position billing record in the batch.



Next Button: Moves you to the next position billing record in the batch.



Last Button: Moves you to the last position billing record in the batch.



Create New Button: Saves (or creates) the current record and displays a blank position billing for entry of a new transaction.



Batch Status

Displays the current batch status.

Possible Batch Statuses are:

  • Available For Entry - Indicates that data can be added to the batch and is the default

  • In Use - Indicates that someone else is using the batch

  • Selected for Proofing - Indicates that someone has selected this batch to be proofed

  • Proofed - Indicates that the batch has been proofed, but not posted

  • Selected for Posting - Indicates that someone has selected this batch to be posted

  • Posted - Indicates that the batch has been proofed and posted



Modified Date/Time

Displays the last date and time that the position billing was modified.




Displays the corporation associated with this position billing batch.



Posting Status

Displays the current posting status of the batch.



Billing Status

Displays the current billing status of the position billing (Billed or Unbilled).



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