Add Vendor Pay Auto

PayBill Ribbon > Transactions Group > Add > Vendor Pay

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Add Vendor Pay Auto allows you to select transactions from a list of all secondary source timesheet transactions available for payment.

By default, only those transactions that have been paid in full by the customer (the Company) display. However, you can turn off this filter by deselecting the "Show paid in full only" checkbox.

Accessing Vendor Pay Auto

  1. Access or Create a Vendor Pay batch.

  2. From the Batch Control window, select Create Transactions.

NOTE: This option displays all payable transactions (designated as Secondary, has Vendor Bill number, and has not been selected in a previous Vendor Pay batch) for all vendors. If you would rather add payment information for a specific vendor, use the Add Vendor Pay option (by selecting Begin Entry on the Batch Control window)..  

For more information on vendor payments, click here.

For more information about the Vendor Auto Payment Add window, click here.

Adding a Vendor Payment (Auto)

  1. When this window first comes up, it displays all pending transactions from all vendors (based on the batch corporation). By default, only those transactions which are paid in full by the customer (Company) are listed. However, you can turn off this filter so that all transactions are displayed (no matter the Company Billing status), by deselecting the "Show paid in full only" box.

  2. Search results are displayed in the Payment Distribution area by vendor name (alphabetically) and then by transaction date (oldest to newest). By default, all items are selected for payment. However, you can edit this by:

  3. Clicking the checkbox in the Select column to select/deselect it

  4. Clicking the Select All button to select all listed items

  5. Clicking the Clear All button to deselect all listed items

NOTE: You may choose to select or not select a transaction for payment. However, you may not select to partially pay a transaction.

  1. The Total Pay Amount updates automatically as items are selected/deselected. Additionally, the Total Selected and Total Unselected fields update to let you know how many items you have selected and how many you have deselected.

  1. You may not add sales tax information using the "Auto" option. However, once you have completed work on this window and saved it, multiple batch references are created (one reference per vendor). You can then edit the Vendor Pay information using the Batch Reference to add sales tax for a specific vendor. You can also elect to add a Vendor Invoice # and a Vendor Pay Note (which appears on your payment stub to the vendor) by using this "edit" option. Finally, by editing, you can also assign certain transactions for a vendor to be paid on a separate check from other payments to that vendor. For more information about the options available on the Vendor Payment (Manual) window, click here.

  2. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click the Save button to save the vendor payments.

  3. StaffSuite will create separate batch reference records for each different vendor you have selected to pay. These references can be used to edit or add information (see above) to the payment transaction.

DON'T FORGET!!! You need to proof and post the batch containing the Vendor Payment before the system will make it available for Vendor Pay processing.

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