Add Vendor Pay

PayBill Ribbon > Transactions Group > Add > Vendor Pay

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Add Vendor Pay allows you to add information about a payment you need to make to a vendor.

Accessing Vendor Pay

  1. Access or Create a Vendor Pay batch.

  2. From the Batch Control window, select Begin Entry.

NOTE: This option allows you to enter payment transactions one at a time. The Add Vendor Pay Auto option (accessed by selecting Create Transactions on the Batch Control window) allows you to add payment transactions more efficiently at a slight cost to functionality.  

For more information on vendor payments, click here.

For more information about the Vendor Payment Add window, click here.

Adding a Vendor Payment

  1. In the Look Up area, use any one of the six criteria to find the vendor you want to pay:

  2. In the Vendor Name field, use to find a vendor using the Vendor Look Up wizard OR

  3. In the Vendor ID field, enter the ID number (assigned when the Vendor is added) of the vendor OR

  4. In the Vendor Bill #  field, enter the bill # (assigned when the secondary source timesheet is posted) OR

  5. In the Company Name field, use to find a company using the Company Look Up wizard (NOTE: If there are timesheets from multiple vendors associated with the company, a window will display listing all associated vendors and allowing you to select one) OR

  6. In the Company ID field, enter the ID number (assigned when the Company is added) of the company (NOTE: If there are timesheets from multiple vendors associated with the company, a window will display listing all associated vendors and allowing you to select one) OR

  7. In the Company Invoice # field, enter the invoice # (assigned when billing is processed and updated)

  1. Once you tab out of one of the Look Up fields (or if you click in a different field), the system searches for unpaid secondary source timesheets that match the criteria entered (and match the batch corporation information). The system defaults to showing only those timesheets which have been billed and paid (invoice balance is 0). If you would rather see all timesheets, uncheck the Show paid in full only field.

  2. Search results are displayed in the Payment Distribution area by transaction date (oldest to newest) and the Vendor's name displays in the Vendor Name field. By default, all items are selected for payment. NOTE: You may not enter a partial payment for any item. However, you can edit this by:

  3. Clicking the checkbox in the Select column to select/deselect it

  4. Clicking the Select All button to select all listed items

  5. Clicking the Clear All button to deselect all listed items

  1. The Total Pay Amount and Grand Total Amount update automatically as items are selected/deselected. Additionally, the Total Selected and Total Unselected fields update to let you know how many items you have selected and how many you have deselected.

  1. In the Sales Tax Amount field, enter any sales tax that needs to be applied to this payment. This amount plus the Total Pay Amount equals the Grand Total Amount.

  2. Optionally, you can enter a Vendor Invoice # and a Vendor Pay Note. Finally, you can select the Individual Check box to ensure that the transactions selected here will receive a different check than other payments made to the same vendor (for example, if you wanted to send separate checks to the vendor for timesheets associated with different companies).

  3. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click the button to save the vendor payment.

DON'T FORGET!!! You need to proof and post the batch containing the Vendor Payment before the system will make it available for Vendor Pay processing.

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