Bank Account Maintenance

System Administration > Corporation > Action > Bank Account Maintenance

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Bank Account Maintenance allows you to add, edit, and/or remove bank account records and direct deposit information for the corporation. This tells the PayBill division where to pull funds from when you write a check and the routing number used when processing a direct deposit transaction.

For more information on corporations, click here.

Adding a New Bank Account

  1. On the Bank Account Maintenance window, click .

  2. The Bank Account Add window displays.

  3. For more information about adding a Bank Account, click here.

Editing an Existing Bank Account

  1. On the Bank Account Maintenance grid, click the row of the Bank Account you want to edit.

  2. Click .

  3. The Bank Account Basic window displays.

  4. For more information about editing a Bank Account, click here.

Deleting an Existing Bank Account

NOTE: A bank account can be deleted only if it has not been used to create balance forwards, manual checks, regular payroll, or direct deposit payroll.

  1. On the Bank Account Maintenance grid, click the row of the Bank Account you want to delete.

  2. Click .

  3. The bank account is deleted.

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