Batch Control Basic

PayBill > Batches Main Grid > Double-Click A Record

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Basic Information allows you to garner information about your batches. In addition, in certain circumstances, you can edit your batch from this window.

For more information on batches, click here.

Editing a Batch

You can edit the batch in currency if its status is one of the following:

You can not edit the batch in currency if its status is one of the following:

The following rules apply to the fields on the batch window:



Batch Type

Not Editable.

Batch Identifier

Not Editable.


Editable only if no transactions exist in the selected batch.

Batch Branch

Editable only if no transactions exist in the selected batch.

Pay Frequency

Not Editable.

Date To Apply

Editable. However, it does not change the date on transactions that already exist in the batch. Instead, it only affects new transactions added to the batch.

Work Period

Editable. However, it does not change the work period dates on transactions that already exist in the batch. Instead, it only affects new transactions added to the batch.

Bank Account

Editable only if no transactions exist in the selected batch.


Once the batch has been edited and saved, the Batch Status information fields will be automatically updated with the name of the rep making the change in the Status Changed By field and the date and time of the change in the Status Date/Time field.

Finally, you may perform the following tasks from the Batch Control window:

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