Enter TurboTime

PayBill > Batch Control Window (Timesheet) > Create Transactions Button

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Enter TurboTime allows you to quickly and efficiently add timesheets by allowing you to enter hours for all assignments scheduled to be paid for the work week. You can filter assignments so that only specific assignments are displayed. You can change the order assignments are presented and search for a specific assignment based on several criteria.

For more information on timesheets, click here.

Adding a Timesheet

NOTE: The following instructions give a general overview of using the TurboTime window. However, the TurboTime window has a great deal more functionality than is listed below. For a complete description of each field in the TurboTime window, click here.

NOTE: Make sure you have a timesheet batch open for updating prior to using TurboTime.

  1. When you enter the TurboTime window, the system locates and displays (in the Timesheet Entry grid) all assignments which are missing timesheets based on the selected pay frequency and default work period begin and end dates. In other words, it searches for all qualified assignments in the current Batch Corporation for the selected pay frequency that don't have a timesheet for the default work period beginning and ending date indicated by the Batch. NOTE: A qualified assignment is one in which work was done or completed within the date range of the work period begin and end date for the specified pay frequency.

  2. In the Filter Timesheets area, you can specify the assignments you want to appear in the Timesheet Entry grid by adding criteria that the system should use to filter the assignments. For example, you can show only assignments for a specific social security number, employee branch, and/or A/R Company (among other things). This is optional, but does allow you to fill the grid with only those timesheets that you need.

  3. If you want to quickly find a specific assignment in the grid, you can use the Quick Find field. Use to select the criteria upon which you want to base your quick find. In other words, do you want to look up a specific employee ID number, assignment number, etc. Upon selecting the criteria, two things happen. First, the grid sorts based on the criteria you entered in ascending fashion. Two, the field next to the Quick Find criteria activates. Enter the specific name/number you want to find. Once you enter this information, you will be taken directly to that row in the grid. This is optional, but does allow you to find a specific assignment.

  4. In the Timesheet Entry grid, find the assignment for which you want to add hours and click on the Total Hours grid. Enter the number of hours worked on the assignment for that week. Once you do, Regular and Overtime Hours default based on the standard work week and the number of hours actually worked. You may also enter a deduction in the Ded. Code column. You may also change the pay and bill rate, if needed.

  5. Continue to add information to as many assignments as needed.

  6. When you have entered the information needed, click Save to save your work and create timesheets based on the information you have entered. The window remains open to enter more information if you like, but any assignments for which you have added information will be removed from the Timesheet Entry grid. Click Save & Exit to save your work and create timesheets based on the information you have entered. The window closes. Click Cancel to close the window without saving your work.

DON'T FORGET!!! You need to proof and post the batch containing the Timesheet(s) before the system will make it available for payroll and billing.

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