Introduction to Timesheet Import

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Timesheet Import allows you to import timesheets from timesheet entry programs outside of StaffSuite that collect time and attendance information from your employees. Some timesheet vendors prepare an import file that you can import into StaffSuite to create timesheets. The TimeKeeper Time and Attendance module is a web-based timesheet management system from Bond that interfaces with StaffSuite in an ASP environment to send assignment information including company, company rep and employee records to TimeKeeper, and later retrieve the finished and approved timesheets for payroll processing.

Whether you purchase and implement a timesheet import application in conjunction with one of the third-party vendors, or whether you utilize Bond's TimeKeeper, you should set up your Wage Code Translations. This ensures that a wage code in your timesheet import application refers to the correct PayBill code in StaffSuite. While you can import a timesheet file without setting up these translations, you cannot process the imported timesheets until all the translations are set up.

All timesheets imported into StaffSuite use the Time and Attendance Import functionality. Click here for details.


TimeKeeper is Bond's web based timesheet management system that streamlines the timesheet entry and approval process to improve payroll/billing efficiency and increase the profitability of a branch  StaffSuite interfaces with the TimeKeeper web application in an ASP environment to send assignment information including company, company rep and employee records to TimeKeeper, and later retrieve the finished and approved timesheets for payroll processing.  TimeKeeper allows an employee to enter hours worked (including overtime and doubletime in some timesheet formats) and expense information (in some timesheet formats) online and sends an email to notify the customer contact to login and approve the timesheets online. Employee resources can list their job placement history, and view their timesheet history. Customer reps can approve or reject timesheets that were entered by employees, make comments that are attached to a timesheet, make adjustments to the employee's entries (if given that permission) and run reports. Customer reps can also enter group timesheets for situations where the employees do not have access to TimeKeeper. Staffing service reps can control permissions, change passwords, designate backup approvers and their permissions and run reports.

Click here for more information about TimeKeeper.

Amano TruTimeĀ®

Once you set up your wage code translations, and configure your timesheet export configurations, you are ready to begin importing timesheets. Click here for more information on Timesheet Export Configurations. Contact Bond International Software Support if you need help.

Ti3 FasTimeā„¢

You should have already decided how you want your import file formatted in consultation with Ti3. For instance, do you want time reported on a daily or weekly basis? Ti3 sets certain standard report defaults for this information. This default format information is stored in the Timesheet Export Report in the Templates/PayBill folder of Crystal Enterprises. This report is used to provide Ti3 with a list of your expected timesheets for a particular pay period, similar to the Payroll Board report. When you receive the import file from Ti3 with your employees' time and attendance information, it is formatted as specified in this report. If the report defaults you selected in consultation with Ti3 are different than the standard report defaults, you must update the Timesheet Export report using Crystal Enterprises' report designer. Contact Bond International Software Support if you need help customizing this report.

Part of FasTime's data verification process includes an email notification to company reps. Therefore, it is important that all of your parent-level companies have a company rep assigned to the Timesheet Approver role and that this rep has a valid email address on the Company Rep Basic window.

If you are including mileage and expense information in your timesheets, your Timesheet Export report must include values for the Ti3 attributes that represent this information:

Before you include this information in a timesheet import process, you must have Mileage and Expense PayBill codes already set up using StaffSuite's Add PayBill Codes option. Since these options are hard-coded, you do not have to set up Wage Code translations for them. However, you need to make sure that the PayBill codes for Mileage and Expense precisely match the hard-coded names in the report.

If you need to override the report defaults on the Timesheet Export report for assignments or companies, access the Timesheet Export Configuration window.