New/Edit Report

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New Report allows you to enter report information when creating a new report for the report group.

Edit Report allows you to edit report information for an existing report in your report group.

For more information on report groups, click here.

Adding Report Information

  1. The Corporation, Process, and Report Group fields are read-only whether in Add or Edit mode. The data in these fields either defaults from the existing report group or from the Add Report Group window.

  2. In the Report Type field, use to select the type or report you are associating with this report group. Options are: Invoice A/R Register, Invoice Detail Register, Invoice Form (unless this is a Master Report Group), Process Journal, and User Defined. If you are in Edit mode, this field is read-only.

  3. In the StaffSuite Report field, click the radio button if this report is a pre-defined system-generated report (in other words, it is NOT a report you have customized). The template name defaults into the field when the Report Type is selected. Upon clicking the button, the User Report, Report Location, and Print File Name fields go inactive and the pre-defined location of the report defaults into the Report Location field.

  4. In the User Report field, click the radio button if this report is one that you have customized. Once the button is selected, the field next to the button becomes active. Type the name of the report.

  5. In the Report Location field, depending on the type of Report selected and how you selected it, this field may be inactive (if StaffSuite Report was selected), defaulted, or blank. If the field is blank, type the location of the report in the field (example: StaffSuite\Reports\User|PayBill). If the field is defaulted, make sure the information is correct and change it if necessary.

  6. In the Print File Name field, type the name of the report as you want to see it in Crystal Enterprises when the report is scheduled. Note: This field is only active if you selected (clicked) the radio button in the User Report field.

  7. In the Append to Print File field, use to select any data you want appended (added) to the print file. For example, if you want a date, time, and/or user ID added to the print file, you would select that here.

  8. In the Schedule checkbox, place a check in the box if the report is to be automatically scheduled. Click in the box to toggle it between checked and unchecked.

  9. If you want to add Form Controls (only available if you select Invoice Form as the Report Type), click . The Add Form Controls window displays. Click here for more information on the Add Form Controls window.

  10. When you are satisfied with the information entered, click the OK button to save your information and close the window. If you want to add other reports, click Apply to save your information but leave the window open. If you do not want to save the information you entered, click the Cancel button and the window will close WITHOUT saving your information.

Editing Report Information

  1. If this is a StaffSuite Report (radio button next to StaffSuite Report field is selected), you may edit the Print File Name, Append to Print File, and Schedule Report fields. If this is a User Report (radio button next to User Report field is selected, you may edit the User Report, Report Location, Print File Name, Append to Print File, and Schedule Report fields. For a description of each field, click here.

  2. When finished, click OK to save your changes and close the window. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving your changes.

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