Report Group Basic Screen

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Identifies the corporation to which the report group was added.

This field is read-only and may not be edited on this window.




The PayBill process to which the report group applies.

Options are:

  • Timesheet Billing Process

  • Position Billing Process

  • Timesheet Sales Adjustment Process

  • Position Sales Adjustment Process.

This field is read-only and may not be edited on this window.



Report Group

Indicates the name for this report group.

This is how the report group will be identified in the PayBill division of StaffSuite.

You may edit this field. However, the field cannot be left blank.




Indicates whether the Report Group can be used or not.

A check indicates that the Report Group is active (can be used).

A Report Group cannot be inactivated if it has been designated to control a company's billing process.

You may edit this field. Clicking the box toggles it between selected and deselected.



Master Report Group

Indicates whether the PayBill billing process will use the Company specific report groups.

Since companies sometimes ask you to provide them with invoices formatted to their specifications (e.g., how timesheets are allocated to an invoice, how data is sorted on an invoice, etc.), StaffSuite allows you to specify non-Master Report Groups at the company level. A Master Report Group is used during the billing process to tell StaffSuite to use the company-specific report groups, if applicable.

If you are using company-specific report groups, you must set up at least one master report group. If you are not using company-specific report groups, you do not have to set up a master report group.

A Master Report Group cannot be used as a company-specific report group.

Master Report Groups are only applicable to the Timesheet Billing Process and Position Billing Process.

A check indicates that the report group is a Master Report Group.

This field is read-only and may not be edited on this window.



Reports Grid

The Reports Grid displays all custom billing reports associated with this report group. The following columns make up the grid:

  • Report Type: Indicates the type of report associated with this report group. Options are Invoice A/R Register, Invoice Detail Register, Invoice Form (if the Report Group is not a Master Report Group), Process Journal, and User Defined.

  • StaffSuite Report: The name of the pre-defined StaffSuite report associated with the Report Type. For an Invoice A/R Register, the StaffSuite report is Invoice A/R Register. For an Invoice Detail Register, the StaffSuite report is Invoice Detail Register. For Invoice Form, the StaffSuite report is Invoice. For Process Journal, the StaffSuite report is Payroll Billing Process Journal. There is no StaffSuite report name for a User-Defined type.

  • User Report: The name of the user-defined (customized) report associated with the Report Type.

  • Print File Name: This is the report name you see when the report is scheduled using Crystal Enterprises.

  • Schedule: Indicates if the report is to be scheduled automatically. Yes indicates that it will be schedule automatically. No indicates it will not be scheduled automatically.

The three buttons below the grid allow you to add, edit, and/or delete report group reports:

  • To add a new report, click New. The New Report window displays. For more information on the New Report window, click here.

  • To edit an existing report, select the report you want to edit by clicking on its row in the Reports Grid. Click Edit. The Edit Report window displays. For more information on the Edit Report window, click here.

  • To remove an existing report (reports can only be removed if it is not in use by another user and if the associated PayBill process is not running), select the report you want to delete by clicking on its row in the Reports Grid. Click Remove. The report is removed.

NOTE: Once you have added/edited/removed reports and made any edits to the Report Group or Active fields, you need to click the Save button on the toolbar before the changes are saved to your database.



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