Transaction Management

PayBill > Payroll > Import > Transaction Management

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Transaction Management displays the transactions that have been imported, but have not yet been processed into a timesheet, in the Timesheet Transaction Staging View window. From this window, you can select one, some, or all transactions from which to automatically or manually create timesheets.  

The values in this grid reflect the data that is being imported from the timesheet module or from TempBuddy Payslips (Payslips are imported from TempBuddy instead of Timesheets to give you the flexibility of creating overtime rules in TempBuddy). For the TimeKeeper module, there is information that StaffSuite maintains such as Pay Rate that is not transmitted to TimeKeeper, and therefore is not retrieved from TimeKeeper, or displayed in this grid. However, the pay rate is stored in StaffSuite and will be used to calculate payroll.

TempBuddy Considerations

For TempBuddy, payslips are imported by the Scheduler into StaffSuite every 12 hours. However, you can use PayBill > Payroll > Sync TempBuddy to manually synchronize StaffSuite and TempBuddy.

However, unlike other import processes, some errors are caught with the initial import. For example:

Reasons for these errors include:

Selecting Transactions for Creating Timesheets

  1. Select the transaction(s) from the staging area which you want to use to create timesheets.

  2. To select individual transactions, click the box in the Select column. A checked box indicates that the transaction is selected for timesheet creation. An unchecked box indicates that the transaction is not selected for timesheet creation.

  3. To select all transactions listed, click .

  4. To deselect all transactions, click .

  1. Once you are satisfied with the transactions selected, you are ready to process the timesheets.

Processing the Timesheet Transactions

  1. Once you have selected the transactions to process, click the  button and you are prompted to select a batch.

  1. If you want to create timesheets in a new batch, click . The Add Batch window will display allowing you to assign a Batch ID number.

  2. If you want to add timesheets to an existing batch, use the drop down list to select a batch from the list of editable timesheet batches displayed.

  3. If you do not want to create timesheets for the selected transactions, click .

  1. The transaction batch will begin processing. When it is finished, the system will display a window detailing the batch number and number of timesheets successfully created. It will also list the numbers of transactions that failed to generate timesheets.

  2. All transactions that were processed successfully are removed from the staging area.  Any transactions that failed to process still remain in the staging area with a Reason Code to explain why the transaction failed to process. Use the Process Manually functionality detailed below to add these failed transactions manually.

  1. That's it. Don't forget! You still need to post and proof the timesheets before running your payroll and billing processes.

Process Manually to Create Timesheets

  1. Select individual transaction(s) from the list which may have failed to process with a group. The staging area will show a Reason Code to explain why the transaction failed to process; this will guide you in how to process manually to avoid the same error.

NOTE: More information may be available in the Diagnostic Journal for the process where this transaction failed..

  1. Select an individual transactions by clicking to check the box in the Select column. A checked box indicates that the transaction is selected for timesheet creation. An unchecked box indicates that the transaction is not selected for timesheet creation.

  2. Once you are satisfied that you have selected the correct transaction, click the   button.

NOTE: The button only becomes active when you have selected one transaction. If you select more than one transaction (by checking more than one box in the Select column), the button will become inactive (grayed out).

  1. A transaction which didn't process normally may need special attention to enter correctly. The manual process takes you to the Timesheet Add window so that you can complete the timesheet. Basic information (like hours worked) will default into the timesheet from the transaction file even though that may not be correct in this special circumstance and may conflict with hours already processed for this timesheet. Override any suggested information you know to be incorrect until you can save the timesheet with the correct information.  

NOTE: Other information about the transaction can be found by clicking the Details/Notes button.

  1. That's it. Don't forget! You still need to post and proof any timesheets before running your payroll and billing processes.

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