Add Advanced Information

Operations > Employee > Information > Advanced Information

How to Use OnLine Help

The Advanced Information screen can be used to add, edit or view sensitive EEOC and OFCCP information about the employee.

NOTE: There are two security permissions that control whether a user can add advanced information: Full Access Advanced Information and Add Advanced Information. If a user has Full Access Advanced Information then he/she can add, edit or view information on this window. For information on editing the window, see Advanced Information. If a user has Add Advanced Information permission (but not Full Access permission), he/she may add information on this screen but not edit it nor view it after it has been added. This is well suited for users with a lower level of security who may help with keying in new employee information, but would not be expected to make changes to an employee's existing information.

Click here for more information on Security.

Much of this information (except Veteran Status - Post Offer) can be added via the Employee Add Wizard. This information can also be added or updated by the Employee via your WorldLink website.

Advanced Information

The following fields make up the window:

To save the information on the window, click the Save icon on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Related Topics:

Quick Employee Look Up

Add Employee

Delete Employee

Basic Information