Phone Numbers

Operations > Assignment Basic Window > Phone Numbers

How to Use OnLine Help

Phone Numbers displays the phone numbers for all persons associated with the assignment, including company reps and (if the assignment is filled) the employee working on the assignment.

For more information about assignment, click here.

Viewing and Editing Phone Numbers

Company Area

The Company area lists the company owning the order (on top), followed by the ordering rep, confirm rep, report to rep, and work for rep. The ordering rep and confirm rep default from the Order Relationship Manager and may not be edited here. The report to rep and work for rep default for Assignment Orientation and may not be edited here.

Next to the company and each rep is a phone number. You can select a different phone number for the company or rep by clicking and selecting from a list of phone numbers. Only those phone numbers that have been entered for the company and its reps are listed. To add a phone number for the company, go to Company Basic. To add a phone number for a Company Rep, go to Company Rep Basic.

Employee Area

If the assignment is filled, the employee filling the assignment will display in this area. The name may not be edited.

If the assignment is filled, the Work Phone may be edited directly from this window (as it is the phone number where you would reach them while they are on the assignment). If the assignment is not filled, the field is not editable.

For your convenience, the employee's other phone numbers can be viewed by clicking and looking at a list of phone numbers that were added for this employee in Employee Basic.

Once you have made your changes, click the Save button on the StaffSuite toolbar.

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