Basic Information

System Administration > Staffing Service > Viewer > Basic Information

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Staffing Service Basic Information allows you to garner information about your staffing service parent and children; you can only have one parent staffing service in StaffSuite. In addition, you can edit various information on this window, although not all options that are available for parent staffing services are available for the children.

For more information on staffing service, click here.

Editing a Staffing Service

  1. Use the List Staffing Service option from the Actions menu to select the Staffing Service you want to edit.

  2. Select the field you want to edit.

  3. Make your changes.

  4. Click the Save button on the toolbar.

For more details about the Basic Information window and the editable fields, click here.

Navigation Options

Click to view the staffing service structure around the current component. Go to View Staffing Service Structure.

Click to view and edit staffing service defaults information. Go to System Defaults.

Click to view and edit staffing service profit measures information. Go to Profit Measures.

Click to view and edit staffing service WorldLink information. Go to WorldLink. NOTE: This is only available from the Parent staffing service.

Click to view and edit staffing service late fees in the Invoice Terms Listing grid. Go to Invoice Terms Listing.

Click to view and edit staffing service TimeKeeper configuration. Go to TimeKeeper Configuration. NOTE: This is only available from the Parent staffing service.

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