Staffing Service Basic Screen

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Parent (not visible on Parent Staffing Service Basic window)



Displays the name of the staffing service component that serves as the parent (level above) of the currently displayed staffing service component.

The Parent field is only visible if the Staffing Service Component is at a Division or Region level.

Clicking puts the Parent staffing service component into currency and displays its basic information.



View Staffing Service Structure

Allows you to view the staffing service structure surrounding the staffing service component in currency.

Click here for more information about View Staffing Service Structure.



Staffing Service

Displays the name of the staffing service component in currency.

You may edit the staffing service name, if needed.




Indicates the hierarchical level (parent, division, region) of this staffing service.

You may not edit this field.




Displays and allows editing of the various addresses associated with this staffing service component.

To see a different address than the one currently displayed, use to select the type of address you want to view.

To see a quick list of all address stored for this staffing service, click and a grid will display a list of all currently entered addresses. NOTE: This is for viewing purposes only. You may not edit address information from the grid.

To edit address information, click . A small window pops up. Use to select the address type you wish to edit and then add, edit, or remove information from the fields (street address, city, etc.), as needed. When finished, click OK to confirm your changes and close the address edit window. Click Apply to confirm your changes, but leave the address edit window open allowing you to make further changes. Click Cancel to close the address edit window without confirming your changes.



Phone Numbers

Displays and allows editing of the various phone numbers associated with this staffing service component.

To see a different phone number than the one currently displayed, use to select the type of phone number you want to view.

To see a quick list of all phone numbers stored for this staffing service, click and a grid will display a list of all currently entered phone numbers. NOTE: This is for viewing purposes only. You may not edit phone number information from the grid.

To edit phone number information, use to select the type of phone number you would like to edit and then change the information in the field itself.



Main Contact

Displays and allows editing of the name for the main contact person at this staffing service.




Displays and allows editing of the email address of this staffing service.

To send a quick email to the address listed, click . Your email program displays with the email address in the To: field.



Web Page

Displays and allows editing of the web page for this staffing service.

To access the web page, click . If you have an Internet connection, your Internet browser opens and displays the staffing service's web page.




Displays and allows editing of the home country of this staffing service component.

NOTE: This does not restrict the staffing service to a country, but simply provides an indication of the country in which the staffing service is based.



EF Client ID

If you have an account with Efficient Forms (for Onboarding purposes), enter the ID number they provided. This field only displays on the Parent Staffing Service.

NOTE: You will need to have the EFConnectService installed on your StaffSuite server. In addition, each StaffSuite Server that will use onboarding must be configured to use it. Instructions for these steps are available in a separate document.




Clicking this button takes you to the staffing service's System Defaults window.

Click here for more information about System Defaults.



Profit Measures

Clicking this button takes you to the staffing service's Profit Measures window.

Click here for more information about Profit Measures.



Invoice Terms

Clicking this button takes you to the Invoice Terms Listing grid where you can set up a late fees policy for invoices generated for this staffing service. This button is available for all staffing services; parent, region and division.

Click here for more information about Invoice Terms Listing.



WorldLink (only available on Parent Staffing Service)

Clicking this button takes you to the staffing service's WorldLink window.

Click here for more information about WorldLink defaults.



TimeKeeper (only available on Parent Staffing Service)

Clicking this button takes you to the staffing service's TimeKeeper Configuration window.

Click here for more information on setting up TimeKeeper Configuration settings.



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