
How to Use OnLine Help

Federal allows you to enter/edit federal tax reporting information about your corporation.

For more information on corporation, click here.

Adding/Editing Federal Tax Reporting Information

  1. From the Corporation Basic window, click .

  2. In the Federal Tax Authority ID (FEIN) field, enter your Federal Tax Authority Identification Number (FEIN). Required.

  3. In the FUI Burden Rate field, enter the Federal Unemployment Insurance (FUI) burden rate percent, if any, for this corporation. Required.

  4. In the W2 Reporting Contact field, click to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and select the Staffing Service Rep who the government can contact with problems and questions. Required.

  5. In the W2 Notification Code field, use to select your corporation's preferred method of contact (E-mail/Internet, Fax, Postal Service, or Online Wage Reporting Service). Required.

  6. In the W2 Employment Code field, use to select the code that describes the type of business you do (Agriculture, Household, Military, Medicare Qualified Government, Railroad, or Regular). The default is Regular. Required.

  7. In the Kind of Employer field, use to select the type of employer for Federal W2 submission reporting. Options are: Federal Government, None Apply (default), State and Local Government, Tax Exempt Employer and State and Local Tax Exempt.

  8. In the Other Federal Tax Authority ID field, enter a Federal Tax Authority ID number if your corporation has filed under a different number during the current filing year.

  9. In the Federal Minimum Wage field, enter the Federal Minimum Wage amount.

  10. Check the Terminating Business checkbox if you intend to discontinue doing business with this corporation. NOTE: If each state taxing authority where the corporation does business must also be notified, you must use the W-2 Reporting tab for each state and individually indicate that you are terminating business.

  11. When you are satisfied with the information entered, click the OK button to save your information and close the window. If you do not want to save the information you entered, click the Cancel button and the window will close WITHOUT saving your information.

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