New/Edit State

How to Use OnLine Help

New State allows you to enter state tax reporting information for your corporation.

Edit State allows you to edit existing tax reporting information for your corporation.

For more information on corporation, click here.

Adding State Tax Reporting Information

  1. From the Corporation Basic window, click .

  2. In the State Tax Authority field, click on the state name you wish to add. The Tax Code field will automatically display the proper code for the selected state.

  3. In the Minimum Wage field, enter the state minimum wage amount.

  4. In the Child Support Reporting ID field, enter the state's child support reporting identification number, if needed.

  5. In the FUI Burden % field, enter a federal unemployment insurance burden percent ONLY if it is different than the normal FUI % (which is entered on the Federal Reporting window). This amount will OVERRIDE the amount entered on the Federal Reporting window. If the amount is not different than the normal federal percent, leave this field blank.

  6. In the Tax ID field, enter the Tax ID number for State Unemployment reporting.

  7. In the Wrk Wk Basis field, use to determine when a week is counted as a work week. Choices are Earnings, Earnings and Hours, Earnings or Hours, Hours, and No Minimum. For a more detailed explanation of each choice, click here.

  8. In the Wrk Wk Min Hrs field, enter the minimum earnings specified by the state (only needed if your Wrk Wk Basis is "Earnings", "Earnings and Hours", or "Earnings or Hours").

  9. In the Wrk Wk Min Hrs field, enter the minimum hours specified by the state (only needed if your Wrk Wk Basis is "Hours", "Earnings and Hours", or "Earnings or Hours").

  10. In the Burden % field, enter the employer UI tax rate for this reporting period, if needed (.5 indicates one-half of one percent).

  11. In the SIC field, enter your Standard Industry Code, if needed.

  12. In the Workers Comp. Acct # field, enter your Workers Compensation Account number, if needed.

  13. In the Reporting Contact field, use to select the Staffing Service Rep who the government can contact with problems and questions concerning state unemployment reporting.

  14. In the Prev Qtr Underpayment field, enter the amount that was owed and NOT paid in the previous quarter. If not applicable, enter zeroes.

  15. In the Interest field, enter the amount of interest on underpayments, if needed.

  16. In the Penalty field, enter the amount of penalty for being late with State Unemployment, if applicable.

  17. In the Credit/Overpayment field, enter any overpayment (or credit) existing on you account, if applicable.

  18. In the Authorization Number field, enter the unique identifying number assigned to the entity transmitting the media, if needed.

  19. In the Taxing Entity Code field, enter your taxing entity code, if needed.

  20. Check the Electronic Funds Transfer box if this corporation participates in electronic funds transfer of quarterly UI payroll taxes.

  21. Click on the W-2 Reporting tab.

NOTE: Some of the fields on the W-2 Reporting tab duplicate those on the Federal dialog (W2 Notification Code, W2 Employment Code, etc.). If the reporting information for the state is the same as that for the Federal government, you can leave these fields blank. When doing state reporting, StaffSuite looks first at the appropriate state and, if that record is blank, it looks to the federal information.

  1. In the State Tax ID field, enter your State Tax Identification Number. NOTE: Some states may require a special format for Tax ID. See individual state tax digests for current requirements.

  1. In the Reporting Contact field, use to select the Staffing Service Rep who the government can contact with problems and questions concerning W-2 reporting.

  2. In the W2 Notification Code field, use to select your corporation's preferred method of contact (E-mail/Internet, Fax, Postal Service, or Online Wage Reporting Service).

  3. In the W2 Employment Code field, use to select the code that describes the type of business you do (Agriculture, Household, Military, Medicare Qualified Government, Railroad, or Regular). The default is Regular.

  4. In the Other Federal Tax Authority ID field, enter a Federal Tax Authority ID number if your corporation has filed under a different number during the current filing year.

  5. In the State Disability ID field, enter a State Disability Identification number.

  6. Check the Terminating Business box if this is the last return to be filed for this state.

  7. Click on the Occupation Privilege tab.

  8. In the Location Basis field, use to determine, for the assignment, if the Occupation Privilege Tax (OPT) is withheld for the employee's branch tax authority, the company's branch tax authority, the order's branch tax authority, or based on the actual work location.

  9. In the Tax Trigger field (only applies if the state's employees pay OPT), enter the year-to-date taxable gross required to trigger the withholding of the OPT. Enter "0" to indicate that the tax is withheld as soon as there are any wages earned. If the tax is not withheld until a specific amount has been earned, enter that amount here.

  10. Click on the Local Withholding tab (only applicable to Pennsylvania). This tab allows you to select a corporate located to use for all Pennsylvania work taxes.

  11. Select County, City, and/or School District City (SD City) geocodes. You can do this by selecting the county, city and/or school district city using the drop list or by entering the geocode directly. The PSD (Political Sub Division) code will be 990000 until you select a SD City.

  12. In the Withhold Based On field, use the droplist to cause all work taxes for Pennsylvania to be collected based on the Company Branch, Corporate Location or the Employee Branch. Select <none> to collect work taxes based on the normal method (work location).

  13. If the state is Pennsylvania, click on the City Tax ID/PSD Codes tab (If not, skip to step 40). Pennsylvania requires employers to file for a City Tax ID in each city where they conduct business. Each city has an associated work PSD code. Use this tab to record the list of City Tax IDs and associated PSD codes. NOTE: This tab is only available if the state is Pennsylvania.

  14. To add a new code, click New and enter a City Tax ID. Next, use the droplists to select the County, City and School District. The PSD Code automatically populates as you enter tax location information. The first City Tax ID/PSD Code you enter is automatically selected as the default, but this can be changed.

  15. To edit an existing code, click its row on the grid and then click the Edit button. Edit any of the available fields (City Tax ID, County, City, SD City) and click OK when you are done.

  16. To remove an existing code, click its row on the grid and then click the Remove button. You will be asked to make sure you want to remove the code. If you do, click Yes. NOTE: You cannot remove the default code.

  17. To change the default code, select the code you want to make the default in the grid and click the Set Default button.

  18. If the state is Vermont, click on the Vermont SUTA tab (if not, skip to step 41). The information you enter on this tab is added to the Vermont Large Employer quarterly submission file. FTE Employee Count is a numeric field and accepts up to 5 digits. The HCC Premium field is also numeric and accepts 3 digits to the left of the decimal and 2 digits to the right. The other fields are checkboxes.

  19. When you are satisfied with the information entered, click the OK button to save your information and close the window. If you want to add other states, click Apply to save your information but leave the window open. If you do not want to save the information you entered, click the Cancel button and the window will close WITHOUT saving your information.

Editing State Tax Reporting Information

  1. From the Corporation Basic window, click on the row of the Valid States grid that contains the state you want to edit.

  2. Click .

  3. Edit any field necessary. For a description of each field, click here.

  4. When finished, click OK to save your changes and close the window. Click Cancel to close the window WITHOUT saving your changes.

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