The StaffSuite Main Window

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The main window is the heart of the StaffSuite user interface. Since it is visible at all times while using the program, it might help to think of the main window as a frame that contains the working components of StaffSuite. While the individual view and action windows may change, the frame remains in place giving users a familiar setting at all times.

The main window is where everything occurs in StaffSuite. It is from here that the other windows are opened, components selected, files sorted, and sessions started. Once you learn how the main window works, StaffSuite becomes second nature.

To explore the StaffSuite Main Window, click on one of the links below. When you are finished exploring that part of the window, click on the button in the upper right corner to return to this page. When you are done exploring the StaffSuite Main window, click the forward arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue your step-by-step introduction to StaffSuite.

The following sections make up the StaffSuite Main Window:

Back to Running StaffSuite

On to Moving the Navigator and Main Grid