The StaffSuite Main Window |
The main window is the heart of the StaffSuite user interface. Since it is visible at all times while using the program, it might help to think of the main window as a frame that contains the working components of StaffSuite. While the individual view and action windows may change, the frame remains in place giving users a familiar setting at all times.
The main window is where everything occurs in StaffSuite. It is from here that the other windows are opened, components selected, files sorted, and sessions started. Once you learn how the main window works, StaffSuite becomes second nature.
To explore the StaffSuite Main Window, click on one of the links below. When you are finished exploring that part of the window, click on the button in the upper right corner to return to this page. When you are done exploring the StaffSuite Main window, click the forward arrow at the bottom of the screen to continue your step-by-step introduction to StaffSuite.
The following sections make up the StaffSuite Main Window:
The Quick Access Toolbar: The toolbar gives you one click access to the functionality you use most often.
The Ribbon: The ribbon gives you access to actions that typically repeat across categories (e.g. adding a record, listing data, etc.)
The Navigator Pane: The navigator gives you access to actions specific to a category.
The Detail Pane: The detail pane is where all the action takes place. This is where you interact with the power of StaffSuite. Each screen you select from the navigator, ribbon, or quick access toolbar displays in this area.
The Main Grid: The grid displays the results of look-ups, lists, and queries. Using the grid area, you can select and sort information, or you can right click on a grid to copy or print the contents. Grid tabs allows you to quickly move from grid to grid. By double-clicking an item on the grid, you display the Basic information screen for that item.
The Status Bar: The status bar displays basic information about StaffSuite's current state (like current user, current branch, and whether the system is ready or currently performing an action).