WorldLink Defaults

System Administration > Staffing Service Branch > Viewer > WorldLink Defaults

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The WorldLink Defaults window allows you to add information that will be used by the WorldLink module when displaying generic information, sending an email, generating an activity, etc.

You only need to add WorldLink information if you have purchased the WorldLink module.

For more information on WorldLink, click here.

For more information on staffing service branch, click here.

Adding WorldLink Defaults

  1. In the Branch Name field, type the Staffing Service Branch's name. This name will display when generic contact information is being presented to a WorldLink Guest. This field is optional. If you do not enter a Branch Name, then the name entered for the staffing service component owning the branch will be used.

  2. In the Location Name field, type the location name you would like to appear when WorldLink presents Location options to the WorldLink Guest. This field is required if the branch is Active for WorldLink. Otherwise, it is optional.

  3. In the Default Contact, Contact Title, and Default E-mail fields, enter information about the staffing service rep that will display when generic contact information is being presented to a WorldLink Guest. If you do not enter this information, then the same information entered for the staffing service component owning the branch will be used. Click to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find a staffing service rep.

  4. In the Return/From E-mail  field, enter the email address that should appear in the "From" field on all e-mails created automatically by the system. If you do not enter an email address, then the email address entered for the staffing service component owning the branch will be used.

  5. In the Default Entered By field, click to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find the staffing service rep that will be assigned to the Entered By field on all new activities generated by WorldLink. If you do not select a rep, then the rep entered for the staffing service component owning the branch will be used.

  6. In the Active for field, indicate whether or not the branch in currency is active (visible) in WorldLink and if active, whether registrations should be allowed. Options are:

  7. In the Suite/Building, Address, City, State, and Zip fields, enter address information for the branch listed in the Branch Name field. This information will display when generic contact information is being presented to a WorldLink Guest. All of the fields except Suite/Building are required if the branch is Active for WorldLink. Otherwise, all fields are optional.

  8. In the Phone Number and Fax Number fields, enter phone information for the Staffing Service listed in the Branch Name field. This information will display when generic contact information is being presented to a WorldLink Guest. Fax Number is required if the branch is Active for WorldLink. Otherwise, it is optional. If you do not enter a phone number, then the phone number entered for the staffing service component owning the branch will be used.

  9. To set up notification routing, click . For more information on branch routing, click here.

  10. Select the Route to Inactive User checkbox to include inactive users as well as active users in the list of available staffing service reps on the left side of the WorldLink Routing window. This feature might be used to set up a dummy user for all WorldLink routing in a branch.

  11. When you are satisfied with the information entered, click the Save button on the toolbar.

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