Employee Profiles - Jobs/References

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Jobs/References allows you to add, edit, or remove information about the employee's job history. It also allows you to set up references for performing reference checks.

Job History

The Grid

The Job History grid contains the following

 information (most recent jobs are listed first):

The Options

The following options are available from the grid:

Adding/Editing Job History

Upon selecting New or Edit, the New Job History or Edit Job History window displays.

  1. In the Company Name field, type the name of the company where the employee worked.

  2. In the Comp # field, type the system-assigned number of the company if the company is in your database. If not, leave the field blank.

  3. In the Location field, type the address of the company where the employee worked. This is a free-form text field, so you can use your <Enter> key to start a new line (for city and state information).

  4. In the Position field, enter the position that the employee had (or has) at the company.

  5. In the Supervisor field, enter the name of the person who was this employee's direct supervisor.

  6. In the OK to Contact checkbox, place a check in the box if it is OK to contact the company. Leave the box empty if it is not OK to contact the company. Clicking in the box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  7. In the Phone # field, type the phone number of the company.

  8. In the Reason for Leaving field, type the reason that the employee left the company. If the employee is still working at the company, leave this field blank.

  9. In the Job Duties field, type the primary duties the employee performed, or is performing, at this company. This field accepts 1000 characters for Job Duties. Click the  icon to expand the field in a re-sizable dialog where you can enter and view all your text and use spell checking. Click here for more information about the re-sizable dialog and spell checking.

  10. Place a check in the Presently Working checkbox if the employee is still working at the company. If the employee is no longer working at the company, leave the box blank. Clicking in the box toggles it between checked and unchecked.

  11. In the Dates fields, enter the month and year (MMYYYY) that the employee started working (From) and stopped working (To) at the company. If you checked the Presently Working checkbox, the To field will be disabled.

  12. In the Salary fields, enter the amount of money the employee was paid when he/she starting working (Starting) and stopped working (Ending). If the employee is still working at the company, type the amount the employee is currently earning in the Ending field.

  13. Click OK to save your information and close the window. Click Apply to save your information, but leave the window open.


NOTE: In order to add a reference, you must already have added its associated Job History (see above for details on doing so).

The Grid

The Occupations grid contains the following information:

The Options

The following options are available above the grid:

The following options are available from the grid:

Adding/Editing References

Upon selecting New or Edit, the New Reference or Edit Reference window displays.

  1. The Reference Completed checkbox is only active if you are editing the reference. Clicking this box indicates that the reference is complete.

  2. In the Supervisor area, enter the Name and Number (phone number) of the individual who supervised the employee when he/she was at the company.

  3. In the Reference area, enter the Name and Position of the individual that you will be contacting (or have contacted) for the reference.

  4. Click OK to save your changes.

A Note About References

Creating and completing a reference is a multi-step process:

  1. Create a Job History (on the Employee Profiles - Job/References window)

  2. Create a reference for the job history (on the Employee Profiles - Job/References window)

  3. Complete a Record Reference Check activity with any result other than Not Performed OR Edit the Reference record (on the Employee Profiles - Job/References window) and check the Reference Completed checkbox.

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