Make a Note

Company/Rep Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type (Company) > Make a Note

Company Rep Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type (Rep) > Make A Note

Order Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type > Make A Note

Assignment Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type > Make A Note

Position Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type > Make A Note

Vendor Ribbon > Activities Group > Activity Type > Make a Note

Company Reps Grid > Mass Activity > Make a Note

Orders Grid > Mass Activity > Make a Note

Assignments Grid > Mass Activity > Make a Note

How to Use OnLine Help

This topic refers to the Make a Note activity for all areas of the system except the employee Make a Note. Since employee Make a Note defaults information differently, it is covered in a separate topic to avoid confusion.

Click here to go to the Employee Make a Note topic.

Make a Note allows you to record a miscellaneous activity or create a generic memo regarding an activity. All of the fields in the window are enabled (or active), so you can use this activity as a "catch all" for anything that doesn't fit into StaffSuite's pre-defined activities.

You can complete several make a note activities at the same time from the Task List by using StaffSuite's Mass Complete functionality.

NOTE: If you already have an unfinished Make a Note activity outstanding, the system will warn you that you are entering a possible duplicate. Check the information on the grid presented and decide if you should complete the existing activity, or create a new one.

Click here for more information on possible duplicate activities.

Making a Note

The following instructions take you step-by-step through the REQUIRED fields necessary to complete this activity. Since Make a Note uses StaffSuite's generic activity window, other fields, which are not noted here, are accessible.

For more information about all the fields on the window, click here.

Note: Assignment Make a Note defaults all the associations for that assignment, rather than only the specific ones mentioned in the steps below.

  1. In the How Performed field, use to record how you performed the activity (phone call, email, etc.).

  2. In the Explanation field, use to record more information about the activity.

  3. In the Result field, use to record the outcome of the activity.

  4. In the Notes field, enter memo information or additional information about the activity.

  5. Check the Employee name in the Associations area to make sure it is the correct employee. If there is no employee listed in the Employee field (or if you want to change the Employee), use to open a Look Up Employee dialog. The employee in currency defaults when this activity is opened from the Employee Navigator, and employee is only REQUIRED when this activity is opened from the Employee Navigator.

  6. If there is a company in currency, the company name will default into the Company field in the Associations area. If there is no company listed in the Company field (or if you want to change the Company), use to open a Look Up Company dialog. Company is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Company, Company Representative, Order, Assignment, or Position category. For a Company Rep Make a Note, the rep's home company will default.

  7. If there is an order in currency, the number will default into the Order field in the Associations area. If there is no number listed in the Order field (or if you want to change the Order), use to see a list of orders (associated with the selected company) and select one. Order is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Order, Assignment, or Position category.

  8. If there is an assignment/position in currency, the number will default into the Assignment/Position field in the Associations area. If there is no number listed in the Assignment/Position field (or if you want to change the Assignment/Position), use to see a list of assignment/positions (associated with the selected order) and select one. Assignment is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Assignment category. Position is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Position category.

  9. If there is a company rep in currency, the rep's name will default into the Company Rep field in the Associations area. If there is no name listed in the Company Rep field (or if you want to change the Company Rep), use to see a list of company reps and select one. Company Rep is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Company Representative category.

  10. If there is a vendor in currency, the vendor's name will default into the Vendor field in the Associations area. If there is no name listed in the Vendor field (or if you want to change the Vendor), use to look up vendors and select one. Vendor is only REQUIRED if the Make a Note came from the Vendor category.

  11. The Performed By and Completed Date/Time field automatically default to the current user. and the current date and time (but can be changed). Click to open a Look Up Staffing Service Rep dialog and find a different staffing service rep for the Performed By field.

  12. Click OK to complete the activity.