Advanced Billing Information

Operations > Order Basic Window > Billing Button

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Advanced Billing Information allows you to view and edit billing requirements for the order. Most of the information on this window defaults from the Company Billing Information and Company Profit Measures windows.

Upon clicking the Billing button on the Order Basic window, this window displays if you have Advanced Billing Information permission. If you do not, the Billing Information window displays. The main difference between this and the Billing Information window is that you CAN edit the Premium Bill Factors or Bill Rate Markup Percent on this window.

For more information about order, click here.

Viewing and Editing Billing Information

The Advanced Billing Information window is divided into three areas: Billing Details, Billing Factors, and Other Information.

Billing Details

This section of the Billing Information screen defaults from information supplied on the Company Billing Information window, including required fields and defaults.

If information in this section is required (per the Company Billing Information window), a check will be placed in the Required checkbox. In addition, the text of the field will be red. This information MUST be entered before you can properly save changes to this window.

If information has been set up to default into the fields (per the Company Billing Information window), that information will be visible in the fields.

You may edit any of these fields. The fields include:

Billing Factors

The fields include:

Other Information

These field may not be edited on this window. The fields include:

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