Add Order

Order Ribbon > Action Group > Add

How to Use OnLine Help

Add Order allows you to enter basic order information in StaffSuite.

For more information on order, click here.

Using the Order Add Wizard

The Order Add Wizard takes you step-by-step through the information necessary to add an order to your database. It is easily navigated using the following buttons:

The Order Add Wizard Fields

The Order Add Wizard contains the following fields (click the field name for detailed information):

  1. The first thing the system needs to do is find the company for which this order is being created. On the Order Add Wizard window:

  2. Parent

  3. Component

  4. Level

  5. Branch Servicing

  6. Company Number

  1. The system searches the database based on the criteria you provided on the Order Add Wizard screen. If the computer finds any company that matches the information entered, they will be presented on the List of Companies window. Select the company (by clicking on its row in the grid) and click Next.

  2. The system checks to make sure the company does not have a "Do Not Service" status and that it is not currently over its credit limit or past due. If it finds any of these are true, you are presented with a warning message. If none of these are true, the system displays the company structure with the company you selected highlighted on the Company Component window. Click Next.

  3. On the Creation Options window:

  4. Branch to Service Order

  5. Order Date

  6. Order Type

  7. Order Acquisition

  8. Create new Std Order

  9. Hot Job

  10. Instructions

  1. On the Order Description window:

  2. Reason

  3. # Needed

  4. Service Line

  5. Category

  6. Description

  7. Instructions

  1. On the Relationship Information window:

  1. Taken By

  2. Sales Rep

  3. Order Rep

  4. Confirm Rep

  5. Instructions

  1. On the Billing Information window:

  1. A/R Comp

  2. Attn To Rep

  3. Attn To Comp

  4. Ordering Comp

  5. Using Comp

  6. PO Number

  7. Ref Number

  8. Company Owning Billing Address

  9. Instructions

  1. On the Temporary Order Complete, Direct-Hire Order Complete, or Standard Order Add Complete window, verify the information displayed. If it is incorrect, click the Back button to correct it. If you are satisfied with the information entered, click Finish.

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