Parse Resume to Update an Existing Employee

How to Use OnLine Help

StaffSuite allows you to quickly add or update an employee record by parsing an electronic resume and extracting the employee's contact information, skills, job history, and education. The resume may have been received as email text or as an email attachment and downloaded, received through WorldLink, or be a saved file. Parsing a resume to update an existing employee has many steps that are common to parsing a resume to add an employee, however, since there are some ways in which the process is unique, this topic will walk through the steps of parsing a resume to update an employee's record.

Click here for more information on parsing a resume to add a new employee.

Click here for more information on Adding a Document using Document Management.

Parsing a Resume for an Existing Employee

  1. With the Documents Associated With window displayed, click the Add Document button..

  2. Click Browse... and select your document from the standard Windows Open dialog. Files up to a maximum size of 4 MB can be added.

  3. If the Category in the Add a Document screen contains the word  "Resume", the Parse button will be enabled. Click the Parse button to parse the resume.

  4. The Additional Information screen opens and presents the opportunity to add more information into the employee record that is important, but would not normally be included on the resume. Click here for more information on the Additional Information screen. Any information that is already maintained in the employee record will appear in the screen.

  5. Once you leave the Additional Information screen, the resume parses, extracts the employee information and opens the Staging Area. The resume text appears in the left pane, and four tabs in the right pane display the information that has been extracted from the resume as it will appear in the employee's record.

Click here for more information about parsing employee contact information in the Contact Information tab.

Click here for more information about parsing employee skills in the Skill tab.

Click here for more information about parsing employee job history in the Job History tab.

Click here for more information about parsing employee education information in the Education tab.

  1. The information that was extracted from the resume is displayed in each tab, and highlighted in the resume text so you can see it in context. Check the information in each tab to make sure the parse process extracted the correct information.

  2. Any records in the Job History or Education tabs that is incomplete is displayed in red and will not be saved with the employee's record. Use the Edit button to complete the record, or make any other changes or additions that are necessary in each tab.

IMPORTANT! The parsing process is limited in the correctness and completeness of the information it parses based on the format, language, and layout used in each individual resume. You must validate the information in each tab to ensure that the system correctly interpreted each employee's resume.

  1. If you find that you are not seeing the information you expect from a parsed resume, the formatting of the resume may be to blame. Click here for tips on formatting a successful electronic resume.

  2. When the system has finished updating the employee record, you will see that the Last Action in the Employee Basic screen is now "Update Employee by Parse" and the updated information has been incorporated into the employee's record.

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