Add A/R Adjustment

PayBill Ribbon > Transactions Group > Add > A/R Adjustment

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Add A/R Adjustment allows you to make credit and debit adjustments to existing invoices. Accounts Receivables can also be written off or transferred. Since StaffSuite uses an open item accounting system, these receivable adjustments are entered according to the invoice number (or general account number).

NOTE: This type of transaction only affects accounts receivable and does not affect your sales calculations.  If you want to update sales calculations, use Invoice Sales Adjustment (click here for Timesheet adjustments and here for Position Billing adjustments).

Adding an A/R Adjustment

  1. From the PayBill ribbon, click Add and then A/R Adjustment.

  2. If an A/R Adjustment batch is not in currency, the Batch Control Look Up displays. Enter data, if needed, and click OK. Select a batch from the Main Grid. Click Begin Entry. If a batch is in currency, you will be taken directly to the A/R Adjustment Add window.

  3. Use the radio buttons to decide whether you want to create a credit or debit memo (a credit memo subtracts the gross amount and sales tax from the balance while a debit memo adds the gross amount and sales tax).

  4. Use the radio buttons to decide whether you want to apply this credit/debit memo to an invoice or general account.

  5. If you want to apply it to an invoice, click the Radio button beside the Invoice Number field

  6. If you want to apply it to a general account, click the Radio button beside the General Account field

Fields enable/disable depending on the option you choose:

Click here for more information on the Invoice Number Look Up window.

Click here for more information on the General Account Look Up window.

  1. In the Adjustment Type field, use to select the type of adjustment you are creating. You may choose between the following:

  2. Balance Transfer - for moving monies from one invoice or general account to another

  3. Credit Memo - for designating a certain amount to be credited

  4. Debit Memo - for designating a certain amount to be debited

  5. Finance Charge - to record the assessment/reversal of a finance charge

  6. Write Off - for entering adjustments when the A/R balance is not collectable

NOTE: This field is designed to help you keep track of the A/R Adjustment. It does not cause the system to calculate the adjustment any differently. For example, if you select the radio button for Credit Memo, the system will subtract the gross amount and sales tax no matter what you select in the Adjustment Type field (even if you select Debit Memo as the adjustment type).

  1. In the Adjustment Date field, use to select the date to associate with this A/R Adjustment.

For more information on using StaffSuite's calendar control, click here.

  1. In the Gross Amount field, enter the amount you would like to credit/debit. If this is a credit memo, the gross amount will be subtracted from the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance. If this is a debit memo, the gross amount will be added to the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance.

NOTE: You do not have to enter a credit memo's gross amount as a negative number. In fact, doing so will cause the system to add the amount to the invoice balance (since subtracting a negative number causes it to add the numbers). Thus, you need only enter an amount in this field. Your selection as to whether this is a credit or debit memo will determine how StaffSuite treats the number.

  1. In the Discount  field, enter the amount you would like to discount the credit/debit. If this is a credit memo, the discount amount will be added to the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance. If this is a debit memo, the gross amount will be subtracted from the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance.

  1. In the Sales Tax field, enter the sales tax amount associated with this credit/debit. If this is a credit memo, the sales tax amount will be subtracted from the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance. If this is a debit memo, the sales tax amount will be added to the invoice balance to create a new invoice balance.

For Example: If you have an original invoice balance of $500 and you enter a credit memo with a gross amount of 100.00, a sales tax amount of 5.00 and a discount amount of 25.00, the new invoice balance will calculate to $420.00 (500.00-100.00-5.00+25.00=420.00).

  1. In the Description field, enter any information you would like associated with this A/R Adjustment (optional).

  1. When you are satisfied with the information you have entered, click the button to save the A/R Adjustment transaction.

DON'T FORGET!!! You need to proof and post the batch containing the A/R Adjustment before the system will apply it to the invoice or general account.

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