TimeKeeper Requirements

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StaffSuite interfaces with the TimeKeeper web application in an ASP environment to send assignment information including company, company rep and employee records to TimeKeeper, and later retrieve the finished and approved timesheets for payroll processing. All of the data that is transmitted must meet certain requirements. When visualizing how data is "pushed" from StaffSuite to TimeKeeper, it may be helpful to think of a filled assignment as the object being pushed, and the employee, company and company rep as "attachments" that are dragged along behind the assignment. Each element has requirements that prepare the employee, company, company reps and assignment records to be "dragged" to TimeKeeper. (The exception to this rule is that changes to the TimeKeeper/WorldLink User ID or Password (employees and company reps) are automatically pushed to TimeKeeper the next time any records are sent, even if they are not currently associated with an active assignment.) If any of the records associated with an assignment being dragged do not meet the requirements for transmission to TimeKeeper, they act as an anchor to keep the assignment from being sent until they are properly configured.

Click here for more information about TimeKeeper.

Setting up your System Administration for TimeKeeper

  1. The Staffing Service parent record must have TimeKeeper enabled with a generic user id and password in the TimeKeeper Configuration screen. TimeKeeper Integration can be set to Auto Send, but is not required since data can be sent to TimeKeeper manually at any time.

Click here for more information on TimeKeeper Configuration.

  1. Title Security has specific options for Time and Attendance Actions that must be enabled for any roles that will be sending or retrieving data to and from TimeKeeper.

Click here for more information on Title Security.

  1. Wage Codes Translations must be set up in System Administration with interface codes for the timesheets you are importing from TimeKeeper, in order for the timesheet information to be imported correctly. These are the specific wage codes that must be set up for TimeKeeper:

Click here for more information on Wage Code Translations.

  1. You should enter a base time zone in the Staffing Service Branch Basic screen for each branch that will be using TimeKeeper to avoid confusion with the TimeKeeper module which uses GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) as its base time zone.

Setting up your Operations records to transmit to TimeKeeper

  1. Any company that needs to function as an "Account" in TimeKeeper and have employee resources submit their timesheets through TimeKeeper must be configured in the Company Timesheet Export Configuration screen and have one of their company reps be listed as an "Approver" in that screen. This applies to both parent companies and any subsidiaries; each company must be configured for TimeKeeper separately. The configuration for the company will default to any assignments filled at this company account, but can be overridden to be specific to an assignment as described below.

Click here for more information on Company Timesheet Export Configuration.

Click here for more information on Assignment Timesheet Export Configuration.

  1. The company rep that needs to function as a "Contact" in TimeKeeper must work for a company that meets the previous requirements and must meet the following requirements:

To approve timesheets, this company rep must perform one of the following roles for the filled assignment being sent to TimeKeeper:

Click here for more information on Company Rep Maintain WorldLink & TimeKeeper Login.

  1. Any employee that needs to function as a "Resource" in TimeKeeper must have an email address in their Employee Basic screen, and must be activated for TimeKeeper (including having a user id and password) in the Maintain WorldLink & TimeKeeper Login screen.

Click here for more information on Employee Maintain WorldLink & TimeKeeper Login.

  1. Any assignment that will function as a "Placement" in TimeKeeper should have a Main Occupation set in the Assignment Profiles screen. This main occupation will appear in TimeKeeper as the job title for the job placement; assignments with no main occupation in StaffSuite will display a placement job title in TimeKeeper of "Unknown". The assignment also must have either a Work For Rep or a Report to Rep that is set up as a TimeKeeper user as described in step 6. If the assignment uses a different configuration (such as a different timesheet format) than the Company Owning, it can be set up individually in Assignment Timesheet Export Configuration.

Retrieving Timesheets from TimeKeeper

  1. Timesheets must be completed by an employee resource in TimeKeeper and submitted for approval (for Group timesheets, the company rep completes timesheets for employees and submits them).

  2. Timesheets must be approved in TimeKeeper by a company rep contact who has the role of Timesheet Approver set up in the StaffSuite Company Rep Basic screen as outlined in step 6. above.